Fols. 10v-11:
The two Egyptian cities Pithom and Ra'amses are depicted as castles in the extreme margins of the two facing pages, creating a symmetrical composition.
Fol. 10v:
At the foot of a tall castle, depicted in the outer margin and representing the city Pithom (inscribed), are four Israelites mixing mortar, climbing a ladder and carrying baskets. On their left is an Egyptian taskmaster with a raised club, who watches them working (Ex. 1:11). Inscribed near the Israelites:
"לטורח גדול ולא למרגיעה/ היה להם כל שעה."
"Hard work with no rest was for them every hour."
Inscribed near the Egyptian:
"ויכם השוטר על מוחם/ עד כמעט פרחה רוחם."
"The guard hit them on their heads (literary: brains) almost until their soul fled."
The castle is surrounded by a moat with water and swans in it.
| (formerly Jerusalem, Schocken Library, 24087)