Fol. 10:
In the outer margin are two of the Four Sons, illustrating the related text. On top is a young man pointing to the text with his left hand, and with his right hand pointing at the inscribed scroll that reads:
"התם לפי תומו שואל/ מה זאת ומי הגואל."
"The simple son asks in his naivety: what is this? And who is the redeemer?"
Below him is the son who does not know how to ask. He is depicted as a young fool, dressed as a jester, jumping back and forth, and inscribed:
"שאינו יודע לשאול את פתח לו/ כי הוא כסיל מכל קהלו."
"He who does not know how to ask, you should teach him, for he is the most foolish of all his community."
In the centre of the lower margin, is a man leaning on two shovels and looking towards a castle on the left. On the right, the crowned Moses is looking backwards, grasping his sword, while the Egyptian in front of him falls to the ground (Ex. 2:12). Inscribed near the man:
"העני תוך הטיט עמד/ והמצרי אשתו שכב וחמד."
"The poor man stood within the mortar, while the Egyptian lay with his wife and desired her" (based on Ex. Rabbah (Vilna), 1:28).
An additional inscribed scroll near Moses, reads:
"משה כה וכה פנה/ ויטמן המצרי בחול באות(ה) עונה."
"Moses looked here and there (Ex. 2:12) and hid the Egyptian in the sand at the same time."
| (formerly Jerusalem, Schocken Library, 24087)
H | Haggadah, Passover (Listed according to the text of the Haggadah; See also separate biblical subjects in this list) | The Main part of the Haggadah (arranged with the Ritual Acts (Seder Signs) interspersed with the main components of the text of the Haggadah): | Maggid (the narration) | Maggid-5: The baraita of the Four Sons | Sons, the Four, the son who does not know how to ask
M | Moses | Moses slaying the Egyptian
I | Israelites | Israelites in bondage in Egypt