Obj. ID: 9348
Memorials New Holocaust Monument at the Killing Site in Krasnoe, Belarus, 2003
Memorial name:
No official name.
Who is Commemorated?
The Jews from Krasnoe, killed on March 19, 1943.
The monument on the killing site and the mass grave of the Jews from Krasnoe has the form of an upright granite stele standing on a three-step base. The monument is erected on massive stones within an oblong rectangular that gives it the form of a grave.
In the upper part of the stele menorah is depicted.
The monument bears two non-identical inscriptions: in Hebrew and Russian.
The paved territory of the monument is surrounded by a fence. On the fence, there is a plaque indicating that the present monument stands at the military burial site protected by law.
On the monument
In Hebrew:
מצבת זכרון
לקדושי עיירתנו
קרסנה והסביבה הי׳׳ד
שנרצחו ונשרפו חיים
על ידי הצוררים הנאצים
ביום י׳׳ב אדר ב׳שנת [בשנת] התש׳׳ג [ה׳תש׳׳ג]
19 במרץ 1943
יוצאי קרסנה והסביבה
Translation: Stone of Remembrance / To the martyrs of our town / Krasnoe and the neighborhood, may God avenge their blood / that were killed and burned alive / by the Nazi enemy / on Adar 12, 5703 / March 19, 1943 / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life / immigrants of Krasnoe and the neighborhood.
In Russian:
Вечная память
белорусским евреям
из Красное и окрестности,
зверски убитым,
заживо сожженным
фашистскими палачами
19 3 1943 года
От оставшихся в живых
Translation: Eternal memory / to the Belarusian Jews / from Krasnoe and the neighborhood, / brutally murdered, / burned alive / by the fascist torturers / on March 19, 1943. / From the survived brethren.
On the plaque
In Belarusian:
Рэспубліка Беларусь
Воінскае пахаванне
Прычыненне шкоды
караецца па
Translation: The Republic of Belarus / The military burial site / Infliction of harm / is punishable by law / 6602.
Commissioned by
Relatives of the survivors.
sub-set tree:
The first monument on the killing site and the mass grave of the Jews from Krasnoe was erected in 1945 by the victims' relatives. It was a modest obelisk crowned with the Magen David. The two inscriptions, - in Russian and Yiddish - were carved on it.
However, in 1965 the monument was reconstructed: the Magen David was replaced by a five-pointed star.
Being in bad condition, in 2003, the monument was replaced by a new one. As in the case of the original monument, it was erected by the victims' relatives.
In the vicinity of the monument, there is a "Righteous Alley".
Smilovitskii, Leonid, "Po sledam evreiskikh kladbishch Belarusi: Krasnoe," Zhurnal-gazeta "Masterskaia," ed. Evgenii Berkovich., https://club.berkovich-zametki.com/?p=52359 (accessed January 10, 2024)