Obj. ID: 34163
  Memorials Holocaust Monument at the Killing Site in Dukora, Belarus, 1960s
Memorial name:
No official name.
Who is commemorated?
500 Jewish Holocaust victims from Dukora, shot to death by the Nazis in October 1941.
The monument is erected at the Svisloch Bridge in the Dukora killing site/mass grave. It is shaped like two stones standing one on the other and placed on a three-step pedestal.
The monument bears two non-identical inscriptions: in Yiddish and Russian; the Yiddish inscription is written in the Soviet orthography and with numerous mistakes. On the upper stone, there is also a plaque indicating that the present monument stands at the war victims' burial site, protected by law.
The monument's territory is surrounded by a fence.
On the upper stone:
In Yiddish
יאנ הרצ-ווערט
צוריסנ שטיינדיק עעגנ
הייד מאנומענט פונ
דאר ביז דאר
מענשנט וועלנ ניט פאר
געסנ 500 יידנ וואס
זיינענ געפאלנ פונ
פאשיסטעשע ענט
אקטעבער 1941 יור
אין שטעטעל דוקורא
יהי זכרם ברוך!
Translation: In heart will stay as a standing monument, from generation to generation, people will not forget 500 Jews, who were killed at the hands of fascists in October 1941 in the shtetl of Dukora. [In Hebrew:] May their memory be blessed!
On the lower stone:
In Russian
Светлая память
будет всегда
жить в сердцах
Советских людей
о пятистах гражданах
еврейского населения
местечка Дукора
зверски погибших
от руки немецких
фашистов во время
Великой Отечественной
войны в октябре
месяце 1941 года
Translation: The bright memory / will always / live in the hearts / of the Soviet people / of the five hundred civilians / of the Jewish population / of the village of Dukora / who brutally perished / at the hands of German / fascists in October 1941 during the Great Patriotic War.
On the plaque:
In Belarusian
Рзспублiка Беларусь
ахвяр войнаў
Прычыненне шкоды
караецца па
Translation: The Republic of Belarus / The burial site / of war victims / Infliction of harm / is punishable by law / 5911.
Commissioned by
The victims' relatives.
sub-set tree: 
Dukora was occupied by the Germans at the end of June 1941. In August, a ghetto was set up there [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories]. The execution took place on October 10, 1941, when between 394 and 500 Dukora Jews were taken to a field near Svisloch Bridge and shot to death there. The execution was conducted by a German reserve police battalion with the participation of Lithuanians and local police [The Map of Holocaust by Bullets: Yahad-In Unum].
A monument to the Jewish victims was erected at the Svisloch Bridge in the mid-1960s. The money for the monument was donated by Jews who were born in Dukora [Yad Vashem: The Untold Stories].
Today the monument is the place of the commemorating ceremonies.
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/community/14622043.
"Execution of Jews in Dukora,"
The Map of Holocaust by Bullets, Yahad-In Unum, http://www.yahadinunum.orgwww.yahadmap.org/#village/dukora-dukor-minsk-belarus.1421.