Obj. ID: 10781
  Funerary Art Old Jewish cemetery in Rohatyn (Rogatin), Ukraine
According to ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, the oldest gravestone relates to the mid-19th century.
The cemetery was mostly demolished. The preserved gravestones and fragments are stored in the northern and eastern parts of the cemetery. The cemetery is surrounded by a metal fence on a concrete foundation 1.5 meters high.
Date of the oldest tombstone: 1852
Date of the latest tombstone: 1927
sub-set tree:
According to "Jewish Sotnes UA," the "old" Jewish cemetery was likely begun very soon after the Jewish community of Rohatyn was granted rights in 1633. The site is shown and labeled on an 1846 Austrian cadastral (tax parcel) map sketch, adjacent to a mound locally known as "Jerusalem hill".
During the German occupation of WWII, and possibly also during the postwar Soviet era, nearly all of the headstones were removed and used as construction materials.
In the 1990s survivors and descendants of Rohatyn Jewish families reestablished the Old and New cemeteries as memorial spaces, fencing the boundaries and erecting memorial stelæ to commemorate the Jewish community and its destruction. Today the cemeteries are owned by the Rohatyn civil community, and both the "old" cemetery and the "new" cemetery are regularly maintained by Rohatyn Jewish Heritage in cooperation with the Rohatyn City Council and funded by donations from Rohatyn descendants and other interested people.
[Jewish Stones US]