In the lower part of the left column is a rectangular panel enclosing a picture of the obverse and reverse sides of the coin called Taler minted by Charles the VI inVienna in 1720.
In the obverse is the depiction of the bust of Charles the VI in Roman amour accompanied by the Latin inscription:
CAROL(US):VI:D(EI):G(RACIA):R(OMANORUM):I(MPERATOR):S(EMPER):A(UGUSTUS):GE(RMANAIAE):HI(SPANIAE):HU(NGARIAE):BO(HEMIAE):REX.The diameter of the coin inscribed with verse 38 from the book of Daniel ch.2 inAramaic (אנת הוא ראשה די דהבא""), German (in Hebrew letters: ""דוא בישט דאש גולדני הויפט) and Latin (dan.C.Z.V.38: "Tu es ergo Caput aureum").
In the reverse is depicted the Austrian double-headed eagle with the imperial insignia accompanied by the inscription: ARCHID(UX):AUST(RIAE):DUX:BU(RGUNDIAE):COM(ES):TYROL(ENSIS):1732. The diameter inscribed with Deut. 32:11: in Hebrew ("כנשר יעיר קנו על גוזליו ירחף וגומ'") and in Latin ("Sicut aquila provocans ad volandum pullos suos").
A small rosette decorates the inner corners of the panel and a larger half-rosette decorates the middle of its sides.