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[ E / ~Evronot~, Book of (listed according to the types of illustration) / Hunt scenes in ~Evronot~ ]

Hare hunt

(of subject) 20 of 70 artpiece(s) in subject set as Hare hunt:
First Cincinnati Haggadah
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Passover Haggadah

E | Evronot, Book of (listed according to the types of illustration) | Hunt scenes in Evronot | Hare hunt
H | Haggadah, Passover (Listed according to the text of the Haggadah; See also separate biblical subjects in this list) | The Main part of the Haggadah (arranged with the Ritual Acts (Seder Signs) interspersed with the main components of the text of the Haggadah): | Kaddesh (the Kiddush) | YaKeNHaz (Explanation: a mnemonic term, formed by the first letters of the words indicating the order of the benedictions of Passover Eve, when it falls at the end of Sabbath: Y (yayin) = wine; K (Kiddush) = blessing; N (ner) = light; H (havdalah; Z (zeman) = the occasion) | Hare hunt (YaKenHaz)
O | Ornamentation: | Full page framed
O | Ornamentation: | Initial Letter | Initial letter, framed
D | Dog

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First Cincinnati Haggadah
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Passover Haggadah

E | Evronot, Book of (listed according to the types of illustration) | Hunt scenes in Evronot | Hare hunt
H | Haggadah, Passover (Listed according to the text of the Haggadah; See also separate biblical subjects in this list) | The Main part of the Haggadah (arranged with the Ritual Acts (Seder Signs) interspersed with the main components of the text of the Haggadah): | Kaddesh (the Kiddush) | YaKeNHaz (Explanation: a mnemonic term, formed by the first letters of the words indicating the order of the benedictions of Passover Eve, when it falls at the end of Sabbath: Y (yayin) = wine; K (Kiddush) = blessing; N (ner) = light; H (havdalah; Z (zeman) = the occasion) | Hare hunt (YaKenHaz)
O | Ornamentation: | Full page framed
O | Ornamentation: | Initial Letter | Initial letter, framed
D | Dog

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In cooperation with
Research Platform Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society

With the support of
Municipality of Vienna, Cultural Affairs and Science

Cardinal Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna