
Broader Term

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Narrower Term

Tabernacle (See also: Sanctuary Implements)
Tablets of the Law (See also:Tablets of the Law (central element of heraldic composition), Oral Law, Moses and Aaron teaching)
Tabula Ansata
Tables of the Covenant (Not used; See: Tablets of the Law)
Tallit (Prayer Shawl; See also: Prayer)
Temple Mount (See also:Temple of Jerusalem, Isaac, Sacrifice of)
Temple of Jerusalem (See also: Sanctuary Implements, Western Wall, Heikhal, Temple Mount, Tamid)
Ten Commandments (Not used; See Tablets of the Law under: Sanctuary Implements, Moses and the Decalogue, Torah, giving of)
Terumot and Ma'aserot (Heb. מַעַשְׂרוֹת; Tithes)
Text written in micrography
Text written in micrography forming a scene
Thanksgiving benedictiond
Theatre (See also: Theatrical scene, Evronot under: Evronot, Book of)
Tiger (See also: Animals, the Four)
Together: Literal word illustration
Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah
Tomb (burial cave)
Tower (See also Babylon, Tower of)
Torah coronet
Torah finials
Torah pointer
Torah scroll (See also: Oral Law, Moses and Aaron teaching)
Torah shield (See also: Synagogue)
Torch (See also: Torch (War Machines))
Torah, Giving of (See also: Moses and the Decalogue)
Travel, pyayer for
Traveller (See also: Youth of Zion approaching a city under: Meshal ha-Kadmoni, Part IV, Ze Ulemad(Come out and learn) under: Haggadah, Passover)
Tree (See also: Asher (Tribes/Sons of Israel), Elim, Wells of)
Tribes/Sons of Israel (See also: Red Sea; Encampment of the Tribes in the desert; Ephod; Armorial device; Hoshen; Jacob’s sons and daughter; Joseph and his brothers; Israel, Map of; Elim, Wells of)
Triumphal procession
Tu Bi-Shevat (15th of Shevat; the New Year of Trees.)
Turkey (bird)
Toy (doll)

In cooperation with
Research Platform Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society

With the support of
Municipality of Vienna, Cultural Affairs and Science

Cardinal Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna