
Broader Term

[ M ]

Moses (See also: Korah, Plagues, the Ten, Musā-Nāmeh, Book of, Moses, as one of the Ushpizin, Oral Law, Moses and Aaron teaching)

(of subject) 20 of 91 artpiece(s) in subject set as Moses (See also: Korah, Plagues, the Ten, Musā-Nāmeh, Book of, Moses, as one of the Ushpizin, Oral Law, Moses and Aaron teaching):
*Fine art | Painting

M | Moses

See item's full info

Tiered Seder plate of Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Friedman of Sadigora (?)
*Year cycle | *Passover | Passover (Seder) plate

M | Moses

See item's full info

Pann (Pfeffermann), Moses with the Decalogue
*Fine art | Painting

M | Moses

See item's full info

Andersch, 2.Moses-13
*Fine art | Graphics | Print

M | Moses
A | Abstract

See item's full info

Andersch, 2.Moses-13
*Fine art | Graphics | Print

M | Moses
A | Abstract

See item's full info

Andersch, 2. Moses-3
*Fine art | Graphics | Print

M | Moses

See item's full info

Ex libris of Itzhak Davi
*Fine art | Graphics | Ex libris

A | Angel
M | Moses
B | Book

See item's full info

Kiddush cup
*Year cycle | *Sabbath | Kiddush cup

M | Moses

See item's full info

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Or Ha-hayim Synagogue in Côte Saint-Luc, Montreal
*Fine art | Stained glass

M | Moses | Moses and the Decalogue
T | Torah, Giving of
M | Mount | Mount Sinai

See item's full info

Oude en Tegenwoordige Staat en Geschiedenis van alle Godsdiensten, van de Schepping af Tot Op den Tegenwoordigen Tijd by William Hurd
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Miscellaneous manuscripts and printed books | Non-Hebrew Books

M | Moses | Moses and the Decalogue
S | Sanctuary | Sanctuary Implements | Ark of the Covenant
G | Golden Calf
E | Ecclesia and Synagoga
C | Christianity | Cross

See item's full info

Narrower Term

Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh
Moses and Aaron, meeting
Moses and Aaron meeting the Elders of Israel
Moses and Jethro
Moses and Jethro's Daughters
Moses and the Decalogue (See also: Torah, giving of)
Moses as a prince
Moses as a shepherd fights a lion
Moses at the burning bush
Moses before Pharaoh
Moses casts into the flaming oven
Moses cleaving the Red Sea
Moses commanding to hang up heads sinned with the women of Moab
Moses delivering the Torah (Not used; See: Torah, Moses delivering the)
Moses fleeing to Midian
Moses found in the river
Moses given to Jochebed
Moses in prison
Moses Law, Sabbathbreaker (Not used; See: Stoning the Wood Gatherer under: Israelites)
Moses marriage with Zipporah
Moses praying
Moses pulls Pharaoh's beard
Moses rebuking two fighting Israelites
Moses slaying the Egyptian
Moses speaking to the Israelites
Moses striking the rock (See also under: Moses striking the rock Evronot, Book of)
Moses swallowed by a monster
Moses taking off Pharaoh's crown
Moses with the Angel of Death, Azrael (Samael)
Moses, attempt on his life
Moses, battle of Amalek (Not used: See: Battle of Amalek)
Moses, Call of
Moses, Midianites slain
Moses, Rod of (See also: Moses cleaving the Red Sea Moses striking the rock)
Moses, First Song of (שירת הים)
Moses, Second Song of (שירת האזינו)
Moses, Teaching
Moses, death
Moses, test of the burning coals
Moses Law, Murder
Moses, Golden Calf
Moses and family return to Egypt
Moses, Leprous Hand
Moses, Finding of (Not used; see: Moses found in the river)
Moses, Meeting Aaron
Moses' son circumcised by Zipporah
Moses and Aaron brought to Pharaoh following the tenth Plauge (Ex. 12:31)
Moses, Tablets of the Law renewed (Ex. 34:4-5)
Moses pointing with his rod to the Service at the Tempe of Jerusalem
Moses chooses seventy elders (Num. 11:24)

In cooperation with
Research Platform Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society

With the support of
Municipality of Vienna, Cultural Affairs and Science

Cardinal Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna