Obj. ID: 51159
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial Plaque at the Synagogue in Asti, Italy, 1950s
To the main object: Synagogue in Asti, Italy
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Asti
This memorial is a plaque affixed to the courtyard wall to the left of the main entrance to the synagogue. The plaque is carved with the letters raised. The background is scored and colored a gold-yellow. The edges of the panel are not carved down and form a smooth white border. The lower border is wider than the top and sides and is inscribed with a quote from the Book of Lamentations.
Dedicatory Inscription (Italian)
Ai loro cari alla loro terra
li strappo
Barbarie nazifascista
la loro vita recisa
in imma Olocausto
Continua nei superstiti
ed in coloro che verranno
segno perenne della fede
di Israele
1-12-1943 25-4-1945
Translation: To their dear earth I tear them. Nazi fascist barbarities cut off their life in [the] huge Holocaust. [The] perennial sign of the faith of Israel continues in the survivors and in those to come. 1-12-1943 25-4-1945
Quote From Lamentations
צוד צדוני כצפור איבי חנם צמתו בבור חיי
Quelli che mi sono nemici cagione me han dato la caccia come
a un uccello mi hanno annientato nella fossa Lamentazioni 3.52-53
Translation: My foes have snared me like a bird, without any cause. They have ended my life in a pit. Lamentations 3:52-53 (translation via JPS 1985)
Commissioned by
The Jewish Community of Asti
sub-set tree: 
Length: 1.47 meters
The synagogue as we see it today is the result of the extensive rebuilding in 1889. This is when the present street facing court and façade were built. 51 Jews of Asti were killed in the Holocaust. The Holocaust memorial plaque was affixed to a side wall of the court at a date still to be determined, but probably in the 1950s.