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Obj. ID: 45497
  Chiune Sugihara Monument in Sakura Park in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2001

© Center for Jewish Art, Photographer: Levin, Vladimir, 2022

Memorial name

Chiune Sugihara Monument

Who is Commemorated?

Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese consul, Righteous Among the Nations


The monument is located at the entrance to the Chiune Sugihara Sakura Park, near the embankment of the Neris River.

A red granite stele is divided into two parts: the left one features a bas-relief portrait of Sugihara, and the right one bears the inscriptions. The front side of the right-hand part slopes back gradually, tilting the inscriptions to make them easier to read.

The bas-relief portrait of Sugihara looks to the right and has an inscription in Lithuanian and English: “In memory of Chiune Sugihara.”

On the right side of the stele, there are three plaques. The uppermost one bears identical Japanese and English inscriptions and the lowest one bears an identical inscription in Lithuanian. Between them, the middle plaque contains a photograph of a passport with a Japanese transit visa issued by Sugihara (together with a stamp by the Dutch consul Jan Zwartendijk that entry to Dutch West India does not require a visa).

A plaque with the donor inscription is situated on the right-hand side of the monument.

In front of the monument, an additional metal plaque contains the names of donors to the Cherry Trees Park and the date October 7, 2009.

To the left of the monument, a low red granite triangular slab provides the name of the park, Chiune Sugihara Sakura Park, and it bears the seal of the Lithuanian-Japanese Association.


On the left part, under the portrait:

In Lithuanian:

Čiunės Sugiharos
(1900 – 1986)

In English:

In memory of Chiyune Sugihara (1900-1986)


On the right part, the upper plaque, in Japanese and English:

In Japanese: 



2001年10月2日        早稲田大学

TranslationChiune Sugihara was born in Japan in 1900.  While a student at Waseda University, he passed the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs' examination in 1919, and studied abroad at the Harbin Institute before becoming a diplomat. In 1940, serving as Acting Japanese Consul in the Republic of Lithuania, even in the midst of the imminent threat of war, Sugihara saved the lives of approximately 6,000 Jewish refugees by issuing visas over a month-long period with strong conviction. His course of action was a remarkable humanitarian act that is ought to be documented and passed on to future generations.         In recognition of his exceptional achievements, Waseda University has erected this monument to honor Mr. Sugihara as an alumnus, and planted several cherry trees in the hope that friendly relations and academic exchange with the Republic of Lithuania will further deepen and blossom.
October 2nd, 2001           Waseda University

In English:

Chiyune Sugihara was born in Japan in 1900. In 1919, while he was a student at Waseda University, he passed the / examination to enter the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After completing his overseas studies in Harbin, he / entered the diplomatic service. In 1940, while he was Acting Japanese Consul in the Republic of Lithuania, even as the / danger of war threatened his own life, he continued to issue visas with desperate resolve and faith over a month-long / period, to approximately 6000 Jewish refugees, thus saving their lives. This is a story of brilliant humanitarianism in / the face of war, that should be remembered in the annals of history and passed on to future generations. We can be / proud of him as a Waseda alumnus. Waseda University erected this memorial monument here in recognition of his / achievements, and also planted some of the cherry trees to represent our hope that academic exchange and friendly / relations between the Republic of Lithuania and Japan will deepen and blossom.
2 October, 2001             Waseda University

On the right part, the middle plaque, in Lithuanian and English:

In Lithuanian:

Čiunės Sugiharos Memorialo nuosavybė (Jaotsu-mači, Gifu prefectūra, Japonija)

In English:

Owned by Sugihara Chiyune Memorial Hall, Yaotsu-machi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan

On the right part, the lower plaque, in Lithuanian:

Čiunė Sugihara gimė 1900 m. Japonijoje. 1919 m., studijuodamas Vasedos
universitete, išlaikė egzaminą ir buvo priimtas į Japonijos Užsienio reikalų
Ministeriją. Baigęs užsienio studijas Harbine, pradėjo diplomato karjerą.
1940 m., eidamas Japonijos konsulo pareigas Lietuvos Respublikoje,
nepaisant grėsmės net savo paties gyvybei, per mėnesį išgelbėjo apie 6000
žydų, su ryžtingumu ir žūtbūtiniu tikėjimu išduodamas jiems vizas.
Tai nuostabaus humaniškumo karo metu pavyzdys, kurį mes turime
visuomet prisiminti ir perduoti būsimoms kartoms. Mes galime didžiuotis
juo kaip Vasedos universiteto auklėtiniu.
Pripažįstant jo nuopelnus, Vasedos universitetas pastatė šį paminklą šioje
vietoje bei pasodino keletą vyšnių medžių, simbolizuojančių mūsų viltį, kad
bičiulystė ir akademiniai ryšiai tarp Lietuvos Respublikos ir Japonijos gilės
ir žydės.
2001 m. spalio mėn. 2 d                Vasedos Universitetas


On the right-hand side of the monument:

In Lithuanian:

Pastatė Takajasu Okušima, LL.D.,
Vasedos universiteto Prezidentas, Tokijus, Japonija
Sukūrė  Jusukė Sakuraba, Kultūros turtų restauratorius
Atidengta            2001 m. spalio men. 2 d

In Japanese:

建立     早稲田大学総長 奥島孝康
設計     樱庭裕介(文化財修復家)
竣功     2001年10月2日


Construction   Takayasu Okushima, President of Waseda University
Designed by    Yusuke Sakuraba (Cultural Property Conservator-Restorer)
Completed on  October 2nd, 2001

In English: 

Erected by Takayasu Okushima, LL.D.,
President of Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Designed by Yusuke Sakuraba, cultural Properties Restorer
Unveiled on 2 October, 2001

On the low triangular slab nearby, in Lithuanian:

Čiunės Sugiharos Sakurų Sodas

Translation: Chiune Sugihara Sakura Park

Lietuvos Japonijos Asociacija 2009

Translation: Lithuanian-Japanese Association, 2009.

We are grateful to Avigail Baruchin of the Hebrew University for transcribing and translating the Japanese inscriptions and to Milda Jalulytė for her help with Lithuanian. 

Commissioned by

Takayasu Okushima, LL.D., President of Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Summary and Remarks

29 image(s)

sub-set tree:

Chiune Sugihara Monument in Sakura Park in Vilnius | Unknown
Object Detail
Monument Setting
Public park
{"9":"Any memorial erected or installed in a present-day public park, including Jewish cemeteries or other sites now operated as public space."}
Synagogue active dates
Reconstruction dates
Artist/ Maker
Sakuraba, Yusuke (sculptor)
Historical Origin
Community type
Unknown |
Period Detail
Unknown |
Documentation / Research project
Iconographical Subject
P | Portrait
Material / Technique
Red granite, bronze
Material Stucture
Material Decoration
Material Bonding
Material Inscription
Material Additions
Material Cloth
Material Lining
Tesserae Arrangement
Construction material
190 cm
208 cm
100 cm (50 cm in the upper right side)
Panel Measurements
Documented by CJA
Surveyed by CJA
Present Usage
Present Usage Details
Condition of Building Fabric
Architectural Significance type
Historical significance: Event/Period
Historical significance: Collective Memory/Folklore
Historical significance: Person
Architectural Significance: Style
Architectural Significance: Artistic Decoration
Urban significance
Significance Rating
Number of Lines
Hebrew Numeration
Blank Leaves
Façade (main)
Location of Torah Ark
Location of Apse
Location of Niche
Location of Reader's Desk
Location of Platform
Temp: Architecture Axis
Arrangement of Seats
Location of Women's Section
Direction Prayer
Direction Toward Jerusalem
Coin Series
Coin Ruler
Coin Year
Scribal Notes
Trade Mark
Decoration Program
Suggested Reconsdivuction

Chiune Sugihara (1900-1986) was a vice-consul of Japan in Kaunas, the provisional capital of the Republic of Lithuania. In 1940, he issued about 2,000 Japanese transit visas to Jewish refugees from Poland, who had already received visas for entering The Netherland’s colonies in the Caribbean from the Dutch consul in Kaunas, Jan Zwartendijk. This allowed the refugees to then obtain Soviet visas and to travel, via the Soviet Union, to Japan- thus escaping the Holocaust.

Chiune Sugihara was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations in 1985.

The monument was unveiled on October 2, 2001, on the initiative of Waseda University. On October 7, 2009, the 100th anniversary of Sugihara's birth, cherry trees (sakura) were planted near the monument, as testified by a low red granite triangular slab and a special metal plaque with donors’ names.

Near the Sugihara monument, there is also a small Hiroshima monument established in 1991.

Main Surveys & Excavations

Agranovskii, Genrikh and Irina Guzenberg. Vilnius: Po sledam Litovskogo Ierusalima. Pamiatnye mesta ereiskoi istorii i kul’tury, 2nd ed. (Vilnius: The Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum, 2016)., 637.

Guzenberg, Irina, Vilnius: Traces of the Jewish Jerusalem of Lithuania. Memorable Sites of Jewish History and Culture. A Guidebook (Vilnius: Pavilniai, 2021)., 653.

Guzenberg, Irina. Vilnius: Pamiatnye mesta evreiskoi istorii i kul'tury (Vilnius: Pavilniai, 2013)., 57.
Vladimir Levin, Milda Jakulytė | 2022
Author of description
Vladimir Levin | 2023
Architectural Drawings
Computer Reconstruction
Section Head
Language Editor
Adam Frisch | 2023
Negative/Photo. No.
The following information on this monument will be completed: