Obj. ID: 53461
  Memorials Holocaust memorial at the site of the Jewish cemetery in Hornostaipil, Ukraine, 2024
To the main object: Site of the Jewish cemetery in Hornostaipil, Ukraine
Official name
Who is commemorated?
Destroyed Jewish cemetery and the Jewish community of Hornostaipil killed in the Holocaust
The monument is installed at the site of the Jewish cemetery in Hornostaipil. The monument is a black marble stele, with a star of David and inscriptions in Ukrainian, English, and Hebrew.
Front side:
Back side, in Ukrainian:
В памʼять
про Єврейську громаду
містечка Горостайпіль
Чисельність громади:
1765 р. – 57 осіб
1775 р. – 36 осіб
1784 р. – 40 осіб
1790 р. – 74 особи
1818 р. – 196 осіб
1834 р. – 365 осіб
1850 р. – 597 осіб
1863 р. – 660 осіб
1897 р. – 1888 осіб
1923 р. – 468 осіб
7 листопада 1941 року
нацистами були знищені
385 мешканців Горностайполя,
вбитих лише за те, що
були євреями
Translation: In memory of the Jewish community of Hornostaipil // Community size: 1765 - 57 people, 1775 - 36 people, 1784 - 40 people, 1790 - 74 people, 1818 - 196 people, 1834 - 365 people, 1850 - 597 people, 1863 - 660 people, 1897 - 1888 people, 1923 - 468 people // On November 7, 1941, Nazis killed 365 residents of Hornostaipil only for the fact that they were Jews
Commissioned by
United Jewish Community of Ukraine (UJCU)
sub-set tree: 
The monument is installed by the United Jewish Community of Ukraine (UJCU).
Since 2021, UJCU has been implementing a program to protect/commemorate Jewish cemeteries or their sites by marking them with a memorial monument: a uniform black marble stele with a star of David and an inscription in Ukrainian, English, and Hebrew that identifies the site as a Jewish cemetery. Some monuments, like this one in Hornostaipil, have additional historical information about the community. By the beginning of 2023, 122 marks were installed. [Jewish Heritage Europe]
"Ukraine: New Memorial Monuments Are Installed to Mark Jewish Cemeteries in Ukraine — Even in Wartime,"
Jewish Heritage Europe, https://jewish-heritage-europe.eu/cemeteries/resources/essays-and-op-eds/ukraine-monuments/.