Obj. ID: 52675
  Memorials Holocaust memorial in Korchivia (Korczewie) Forest near Kostopil, Ukraine, 1992
Mamorial name
No official name
Who is commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Stepan and vicinity (Osova, Krychylsk, Khorost, Velyke Verbche, Volosha, Kazymyrka), who were murdered here on August 22, 1942
The monument is located on the killing site in a forest near Korchivia village. It is a black marble rectangular headstone with Ukrainian and Hebrew inscriptions.
Тут братня могила 4 тисяч
євреїв дітей, жінок та
чоловіків містечка Степань
та навколишніх сіл Осова
Кричильськ, Хорост, Велике
Вербче, Волоша і Казимирка,
які безвинно загинули
від рук німецько-
фашистських нелюдків
22 серпня 1942 року
Світла памʼять про них
навічно залишиться у
наших серцях
Translation: Here is a mass grave of 4 thousand Jews, children, women, and men of the shtetl Stepan and surrounding villages, Osova, Krychylsk, Khorost, Velyke Verbche, Volosha, and Kazymyrka, who innocently perished from the hands of German-fascist subhumans on August 22, 1942. Blessed memory about them will remain forever in our hearts
פה נרצחו ונקברו
ביום 22/8/1942 ע"י הגרמנים הנאצים ועוזריהם
4000 יהודי סטפן והסביבה אוסובה,
קריטשילסק, קורוסט, ורבצ’ה גדול, וולושה,
וקזימירקה גברים, נשים וטף הי"ד
[זכרון???] נצח לקדושים
Translation: Here, 4,000 Jews of Stepan and the vicinity, Osova, Krichilsk, Korost, Great Verbche, Volosha, and Kazimirka, men, women and children, May God avenge their blood, were murdered and buried on 22/8/1942 by the hands of the German Nazis and their assistants. Eternal [memory?] to the martyrs
Commissioned by
Natives of Stepan living in Israel and other countries; funded by V. Kh. Shetenkova (Voshchyna) [according to Zakaliuk]
sub-set tree: 
A ghetto in Stepan was established in October 1941, about 2,000 Jews from the town and its vicinity were concentrated there. During the liquidation of the Stepan ghetto on August 21, 1942, the Nazis took about 1,500 Jews to Kostopil and killed them on the way in a forest near Korchvia. About 1,900 Jews from Derazhne were killed at the same place several days after the first mass shooting [Yahad-In Unum].
Jews of Stepan from Istael and other countries erected the monument on the killing site in Korchivia in 1992 [Yad Vashem, Tsal Kaplun Foundation].
"Execution of Jews from Derazhne, Stepan and Kostopil,"
The Map of Holocaust by Bullets, Yahad-In Unum, https://yahadmap.org/en/#village/korchivya-korczewie-rivne-ukraine.129.
Kostopol: Village Korchivya,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u0905.html.
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/untold-stories/community/14622595.
Zakaliuk, K., Tsinoiu vlasnoho zhyttia (Rivne: Derzh. red.–vyd. p-vo., 1995), p. 97.