Obj. ID: 42645
Memorials Memorial stone at the synagogue in Tata, Hungary, 1994
Who is Commemorated?
650 Tata Jews deported to Auschwitz
A black marble stone is situated in the corner of the garden on the northern side of the synagogue, near the entrance to the garden. The stone bears an inscription in Hungarian.
Az 1938-1944 között hozott zsidótörvények értelmében
650 zsidó vallású tatai polgárt 1944. májusában gettóba zártak
majd 1944. június 6-án Auschwitzba deportáltak
A szörnyű népirtás áldozataira emlékezve
a Holocaust 50 évfordulóján állíttattá
Tata Város Önkormányzata
Translation: Remember! Under the Jewish laws passed between 1938 and 1944, 650 Tata citizens of Jewish religion were locked in a ghetto in May 1944, then deported to Auschwitz on 6 June 1944. In memory of the victims of the terrible genocide, set for the 50th anniversary of the Holocaust. The Municipality of the city of Tata, 1994.
Commissioned by
Municipality of the city of Tata
sub-set tree:
The stone was established by Tata municipality in 1994, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Holocaust in Hungary.