Obj. ID: 40115
Memorials Memorial Plaque in the Fortress Moat in Bender, Moldova, 2001
Who is Commemorated?
Jews of Bender shot in the moat in the summer of 1941
An inscribed metal rectangular plaque is attached to the stone curtain wall of the Bender Fortress with four metal bolts.
The inscription in Moldovian reads:
Здесь, в крепостном рву,
в период фашистско-румынской
оккупации 1941-1945 годов,
были расстреляны мирные жители
города Бендеры только за то,
что они были евреями.
Июнь 2001.
Translation: Here, in the fortress moat, in the period of the Fascist-Romanian occupation of 1941-1945, peaceful residents of the city of Bendery were shot only because they were Jews. June 2001.
Commissioned by
Jewish charity center "Hesed Iosif" and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
sub-set tree:
The killing of Jews in Bender began immediately after the occupation of the city on July 21, 1941. Many Jews were shot in the fortress moat.
The plaque on the killing place was unveiled on June 24, 2001. It was followed by the erection of a larger monument in Oktiabr'skii Park in 2002.
Gruber, Samuel D. (ed.), Jewish Heritage Sites and Monuments in Moldova (Washington, DC: U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, 2010)., 27., https://www.heritageabroad.gov/Portals/0/Reports%20and%20Surveys/Moldova_Report_FINAL.pdf (accessed December 16, 2021)
Saffer, Stuart. "The memorial sign
on the place of mass murder of Jews in Benderi" in “Survey of Jewish History and Holocaust-Related Sites in Moldova,” Unpublished report, 2003, https://cja.huji.ac.il/external_texts_db/Moldova_Bendery_Memorial_Sign.pdf (accessed February 17, 2022)