Obj. ID: 37387
  Sacred and Ritual Passover plate, Munich (München), 1924
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
In the 1920's a man by the name of H. Schwed made a series of acid etched plates in brass and alpaca. A number of these are recorded in collections, from 1924 or 1925. Most of them are in a modern style, as is this Pesach plate. There is another large plate, from brass, by the same artist in the Gross Family Collection, 022.002.004, and a smaller one as well, 022.002.005.
Heinrich Schwed was born in 1880 in Reichmannsdorf. He worked in Munich, having a shop for signage and other metalwork called "Heinrich Schwed - Schilder- und Metallkunst". Schwed apparently developed this line of Jewish motif plates around 1924. He produced many different models using the acid etching technique. Those that are dated are almost all from 1924 or 1925. He finally emigrated to Buenos Aires in 1938, and died there in 1962. .
Inscription: Parts of the Haggadah texts
sub-set tree: 
M | Moses
D | David
P | Passover (Pesah; See also: Haggadah, Passover) | Matzah