Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Comemmorated?
Revolutionaries and Fallen Soldiers who fought in World War II from Senta
The monument, which also serves as a collective memorial grave of the revolutionaries and fallen soldiers of Senta is made of metal shaped like a bouquet made of elongated flowers with stems of different heights. The names of those commemorated are inscribed on the flowers. The monument stands on a two-stepped base and is surrounded by a planter made in the shape of a flower with four petals. On a memorial plaque made of bronze in front of the monument are identical inscriptions in Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian, which commemorate the fallen fighters and the revolutionaries of the People's Liberation War. The Alliance of the Veterans' Associations of the People's Liberation War erected the monument.
On the Memorial Plaque
Zajednička grobnica palih
Boraca i revolucionara
U narodnooslobodilačkom
Ratu sahranjenih u Senti
Senta, 1976
Savez udruženja boraca NOR-a
A népfelszabadító hábo-
ruban elesett és Zen-
tán eltemettet harcosok,
forradalmárok közös sírja
Zenta, 1976
A népharcosok egyesületeteinek szövetsége
Translation: The common grave of fallen fighters and revolutionaries in the national liberation war buried in Senta / Senta, 1976 / Federation of Associations of Peoples’ Liberation War Fighters
Commissioned by
Federation of Associations of Peoples’ Liberation War Fighters of Senta