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Jewish Art Journal

The Center's annual, Jewish Art (1986-1989), formerly the Journal of Jewish Art (1974-1985), was established in 1974 by Maurice Spertus and Professor Bezalel Narkiss. is the only periodical devoted to the subject, and has been spearheading the ongoing discussion defining Jewish art since its first issue in 1974. Its articles examine the historical connections of Jewish art to Christian and Islamic art, as well as to the local styles and cultures wherever it flourished. Most articles are in English, with a few appearing in other European languages. Each volume also includes a yearly calendar of events and a list of publications concerning Jewish art worldwide.


Jewish Art Volume 23/24: The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Art (1997/1998)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin & Prof. Bianca Kühnel

689 pages, 541 illustrations, 155 in color
This volume is dedicated to Bezalel Narkiss on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
Out of print
Aliza Cohen-Mushlin
Editor's Note
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
From Bezalel to Bezalel
Bezalel Narkiss: List of Publications
Bianca Kühnel
The Use and Abuse of Jerusalem

I. Written Sources and Local Traditions
Shemaryahu Talmon
The Signification of Jerusalem in Biblical Thought
Ora Limor
The Place of the End of Days: Eschatological Geography in Jerusalem
Heribert Busse
The Temple of Jerusalem and its Restitution by 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwan
Pricilla Soucek
The Temple after Solomon: The Role of Maryam Bint 'Imran and her Mihrab
II. Symbols of the Tabernacle and Temple
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Images of the Tabernacle/Temple in Late Antique and Medieval Art: The State of Research
Elisheva Revel-Neher
Antiquus populus, novus populus: Jerusalem and the People of God in the Germigny-des-Prés Carolingian Mosaic
Martina Pipal
Relations of Time and Space: The Temple of Jerusalem as the Domus Ecclesiae in the Carolingian Period
Ariella Amar
The Menorah of Zechariah's Vision: Olive Trees and Grapevines
Annette Weber
Ark and Curtain: Monuments for a Jewish Nation in Exile
III. Jewish Sources - Christian Interpretations
Rainer Stichel
Scenes from the Life of King David in Dura Europos and in Byzantine Art
Henry Maguire
Davidic Virtue: The Crown of Constantine Monamachos and its Images
Herbert L. Kessler
'Thou Shalt Paint the Likeness of Christ Himself': The Mosaic Prohibition as Provocation for Christian Images
IV. The Holy Sepulchre
W. Eugene Kleinbauer
The Anastasis Rotunda and Christian Architectural Invention
George P. Lavas
The Rock of Calvary: Uncovering Christ's Crucifixion Site
Gustav Kühnel
Between Jerusalem and Bethlehem: The Dating of a newly Recovered Tessera of Crusader Mosaic Decoration
Jaroslav Folda
Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre through the Eyes of Crusader Pilgrims
V. The Loss of Jerusalem in Liturgy and Art
Amnon Linder
The Loss of Christian Jerusalem in Late Medieval Liturgy
Kathryn A. Smith
The Destruction of Jerusalem Miniatures in the Neville of Hornby Hours and their Visual, Literary and Devotional Contexts
Batsheva Goldman-Ida
Black on White - A Remembrance of Jerusalem
VI. Reproductions of the Temple
Daniel H. Weiss
Hec est Domus Domini firmiter edificata: The Image of the Temple in Crusader Art
Paul von Naredi-Rainer
Between Vatable and Villalpando: Aspects of Postmedieval Reception of the Temple in Christian Art
Lola Kantor Kazovsky
Piranesi and Villalpando: The Concept of the Temple in European Architectural Theory
Luis Mariano Akerman
The Evocative Character of Luis Kahn's Hurva Synagogue Project, 1967-1974
VII. The Ideal City - Western Art
Jonathan J.G. Alexander
'Jerusalem the Golden': Image and Myth in the Middle Ages in Western Europe
Peter Low
The Cuty Refigured: A Pentecostal Jerusalem in the San Paolo Bible
Wilhelm Schlink
The Gothic Cathedral as Heavenly Jerusalem: A Fiction in German Art History
Sílvia Planas i Marcé and Joan Broadas i Raset
Jerusalem from Girona: A Sixteenth-Century Representation of the Holy City
Shalom Sabar
Messianic Aspiraations and Renaissance Urban Ideals: The Image of Jerusalem in the Venice Haggadah, 1609
Larry Sulver
Mapped and Marginalized: Early Printed Images of Jerusalem
Avigdor W.G. Posèq
The "New Jerusalem," the Star of Zion and the Mandala
VIII. The Ideal City - Eastern Art
Alexei Lidov
Heavenly Jerusalem: The Byzantine Approach
Alexander Saminsky
A Reference to Jerusalem in a Georgian Gospel Book
Waldemar Deluga
Gravures et vues de Jérusalem dans les Proskynetarions grecs et leurs copies serbes et russes du XVIIIème siècle
Tatiana Kh. Starodoub
The Idea of the Holy City in Medieval Muslim Painting
Eva Baer
Visual Representations of Jerusalem's Holy Islamic Sites
IX. Jerusalem Elsewhere
Robert Ousterhout
Flexible Geography and Transportable Topography
Wendy Pullan
Jerusalem from Alpha to Omega in the Santa Pudenziana Mosaic
Gerhard Wolf
Laetare filia Sion. Ecce ego venio et habitabo in medio tui: Images of Christ Transferred to Rome from Jerusalem
Cathleen A. Fleck
Linking Jerusaleem and Rome in the Fourteenth Century: Images of Jerusalem and the Temple in the Italian Bible of Anti-Pope Clement VII
Hana Taragan
The Image of the Dome of the Rock in Cairene Mamluk Architecture
X. Archaeological and Artistic Episodes in Jerusalem
Ruth Jacoby
The Decoration and Plan of Queen Helena's Tomb in Jerusalem
Myriam Rosen-Ayalon
Jewish Substratum, Christian History and Muslim Symbolism: An Archaeological Episode in Jerusalem
Sylvia Auld
The Jewelled Surface: Architectural Decoration of Jerusalem in the Age of Sleyman-Qanuni
XI. The Peaceful Crusades of the Ninetheenth Century
Piotr Paszkiewicz
In the Shadow of the Black Eagle: Russia's Imperial Policy and its Impact on the Architecture of Jerusalem
Chana C. Schütz
Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Design for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Prussian Involvement in Jerusalem during the Nineteenth Century
XII. New Myths: Modern and Contemporary Art
Jerzy Malinowski
Jerusalem in Modern Jewish Art in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Chagall's Jerusalem
Igor Doukhan
Beyond the Holy City: Symbolic Intentions in the Avant-Garde Urban Utopia
Gannit Ankori
Behind the Walls: The Real and Ideal Jerusalem in Contemporary Palestinian Art
Milly Heyd
Jerusalem: Anti-Myth
George Segal
Reflections on my Work While in Jerusalem
Milly Heyd
George Segal: The Multifaceted Sacrifice

Exhibition Reviews:

Matthew Baigell
Russian Jewish Artists in a Century of Change, 1890-1900, Jewish Museum, New York
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Too Jewish? Challenging Traditional Identities, Jewish Museum, New York


Jewish Art Volume 21/22: Eastern Europe 1 (1995/1996)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin & Prof. Ziva Amishai-Maisels

222 pages, 175 illustrations, 49 in color
Price: $50.00
Elena Itkina
The Jewish Theme in Russian Graphic Art of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Survey of the Collection of the State Historical Museum, Moscow
Hillel Kazovsky
Jewish Artists in Russia at the Turn of the Century: Issues of National Self-Identification in Art
Mirjam Rajner
Chagall: The Artist and the Poet
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Chagall's Dedicated to Christ: Sources and Meanings
Seth Wolitz
Chagall's Last Soviet Performance:The Graphics for Troyer, 1922
Grigory Ostrovsky
The Jewish Artistic Community in Galicia in the 1930s
Igor Aronov
The Sources of Joseph Zaritsky's Art
Lola Kantor-Kazovsky
Dimitry Lion: Jewish Experience and the Philosophy of Drawing
Marina Genkina
The "Aleph" Group
Alexander Okun
Some Thoughts on the Aleph Group
Book Reviews:
Ilia Rodov
Bridges and Gaps: Iskusstvo (Art), Moscow, 1, 1994
Sharman Kadish
Frank Felsenstein, Anti-Semitic Stereotypes: A Paradigm of Otherness in English Popular Culture 1660-1830
Avram Kampf
Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Depiction and Interpretation: The Influence of the Holocaust on the Visual Arts


Jewish Art Volume 19/20 (1993/1994)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

272 pages, 264 illustrations, 103 in color
Price: $50.00
Naomi Feuchtwanger-Sarig
Fischach and Jerusalem: The Story of a Painted Sukkah
Laura Rachel Felleman Fattal
American Sephardi Synagogue Architecture
Evelyn L. Greenberg
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness: The Mishkan Theme in Percival Goodman's Modern American Synagogues
Joseph Patrich
The Golden Vine, the Sanctuary Portal, and its Depiction on the Bar-Kokhba Coins
Ralf Busch
Johan Lund, seine "Alten jüdischen Heiligtümer" und die Vorstellung vom salomonischen Tempel
Yaffa Levy
Ezekiel's Plan in an Early Karaite Bible
Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi
Scribes,Patrons and Artists of Italian Illuminated Manuscripts in Hebrew
Elliot Horowitz
Giotto in Avignon, Adler in London, Panofsky in Princeton: On the Odyssey of an Illustrated Hebrew Manuscript from Italy and on its Meaning
Bianca Kühnel
The Personifications of Church and Synagogue in Byzantine Art: Towards a History of the Motif
Mira Friedman
Pagan Images in Jewish Art
Harold Brodsky
The Seventeenth-Century Haggadah Map of Avraham Ben Yaacov
L. Y. Rahmani
Three Desk Seals in the Jewish Museum, London
Annette Weber
Splendid Bridal Gifts from a Sumptuous Wedding Ceremony of 1681 in the Frankfurt Judengasse
Ilona Pataky-Brestyánszky
The Becker Family: Silversmiths of Bratislava
Milly Heyd and Ezra Mendelsohn
"Jewish" Art? The Case of the Soyer Brothers
Avigdor W. G. Posèq
The "David-Orpheus" Motif in Jacques Lipchitz
Gannit Ankori
The Hidden Frida: Covert Jewish Elements in the Art of Frida Kahlo
Victor Klagsbald
Àpropos de l'illustration du chandelier a sept branches sur un acte de mariage
Book Review:
Shalom Sabar
Leila Avrin, Scribes, Script and Books


Jewish Art Volume 18: Sepharad (1992)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

211 pages, 201 illustrations, 111 in color
Price: $50.00
Yom-Tov Assis
Synagogues in Mediaeval Spain
Bezalel Narkiss
The Heikhal, Bimah and Teivah in Sephardi Synagogues
Santiago Palomero Plaza, Ana Maria López Alvarez, Yasmina Alvarez Delgado
Excavations in the Samuel Halevi Synagogue (del Tránsito)in Toledo
Esther W. Goldman
Samuel Halevi Abulafia's Synagogue (El Tránsito) in Toledo
Ruth Jacoby
The Small Elijah Chair
Aiala Feller
"Purim of Saragossa" and its Implications on the Method of Dressing the Torah Scroll
Ita Aber
Are the Spanish Admiral Carpets Jewish?
Daniel M. Friedenberg
A Bonanza of Spanish Jewish Pre-Expulsion Seals
José Ramón Magdalena Nom de Déu
The Poblet Haggadah: An Unknown 14th Century Illuminated Sephardi Manuscript
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Hebrew Manuscripts of 14th Century Catalonia and the Workshop of the Master of St. Mark
Rosa Alcoy i Pedros
The Artist of the Marginal Decorations of the "Copenhagen Maimonides"
Benjamin Richler
The Scribe Moses ben Jacob Zabara of Spain: A Moroccan Saint?
Edna Engel
Abraham Ben Mordecai Farissol: Sephardi Tradition of Book Making in Northern Italy of the Renaissance Period
Shalom Sabar
Sephardi Elements in North African Hebrew Manuscript Decoration
Book Review:
Elisheva Revel-Neher
Shalom Sabar, Ketubbah: Jewish Marriage Contracts of the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum and Klau Library


Jewish Art Volume 16/17 (1990/1991)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

200 pages, 200 illustrations, 37 in color
Price: $50.00
Yehudit and Joseph Shadur
Three Papercuts from Jerusalem
Andreas Gotzmann
Some Characteristics of Moroccan Jewish Jewelry
Dalia Haitovsky
Giorgione's Trial of Moses: A New Look
Christine Maria Grafinger
Anton Raphael Mengs - Ein Knstler jdischer Abstammung und das Papyruskabinett der Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana
Christiaan Roosen
Maurits Leon: The Making of a Jewish Artist
Norman L. Kleeblatt
Alphonse Lévy's Alsatian Peasants and Moritz Daniel Oppenheim's Franfurt Burghers
Elizabeth Kessin Berman
Transcendentalism and Tradition: The Art of Solomon Nunes Carvalho
Renée Neher-Bernheim
The Tables of the Law: One of the Symbols of the French Revolution
Ilona Pataky-Brestyánszky
Modern Jewish Artists in Hungary
Mirjam Rajner
The Awakening of Jewish National Art in Russia
Lena Makarova
Friedl Remembered
Carol Salus
R.B. Kitaj's The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg: A Personal Metaphor
Avigdor W. G. Posèq
The Hanging Carcass Motif and Jewish Artists
Haia Friedberg
The Unwritten Message - Visual Commentary in 20th Century Haggadah Illustrations
Joseph Gutmann
The Kirschstein Museum of Berlin
Book Review:
Marilyn J. Chiat
Rachel Hachlili, Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology in the Land of Israel


Jewish Art Volume 15 (1989)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

138 pages, 108 illustrations, 27 in color
Price: $50.00
Victor Klagsbald
Le Lion et le Chien
Marianne Haraszti-Takács
Fifteenth Century Painted Furniture with Scenes from the Esther Story
Bracha Yaniv
The Origin of the "Two-Column Motif" in European Parokhot
Shalom Sabar
Fakes and Forgeries of Jewish Marriage Contracts, Then and Now
Mira Friedman
The Tree of Jesse and the Tree of Life in Chagall
Avigdor W. G. Posèq
Zadkine's Human Forest and Tumarkin's Man Tree as Symbols of the Self in Relation to Environment
Avram Kampf
The Bronze Sculptures of Régine Heim
R. J. Zwi Werblowsky
The Jerusalem Stained Glass Window of Régine Heim
Book Reviews:
Shubert Spero
Towers of Spice, Towers of Salvations: An Inquiry into the Logic of Explanation
Hannelore Knzl
Ilona Oltuski, Kunst und Ideologie des Bezalels in Jerusalem
Exhibition review:
Naomi Feuchtwanger
"Seine der Stein schreit aus der Mauer": Geschichte und Cultur der Juden in Bayern


Jewish Art Volume 14 (1988)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

106 pages, 86 illustrations, 20 in color
Price: $50.00
Bezalel Narkiss
The Gerona Hanukkah Lamp: Fact and Fiction
Leonard Victor Rutgers
Ein in situ Erhaltenes Sarkophagenfragment in der jdischen Katakombe an der Via Appia
Hannelore Knzl
A Recently Discovered Miqweh in Rothenburg ob der Tauber: Preliminary Report
David Cassuto
A Venetian Parokhet and its Design Origins
Mira Friedman
Transplanted Illustrations in Jewish Printed Books
Daniel M. Friedenberg
Now Rest in Peace Jacob Baruch Carvalho: The Three-Century Diaspora of a Jewish Portrait
Cissy Grossman
The Real Meaning of Eugène Delacroix's Noce Juive au Maroc
Gannit Ankori
The Other Jerusalem: Images of the Holy City in Contemporary Palestinian Painting


Jewish Art Volume 12/13 (1986/1987)
Edited by Dr. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin

372 pages, 350 illustrations, 40 in color
Special Bar-Mitzvah Issue. Cloth binding and colored laminated box available upon request.In celebration of the 13th anniversary of Jewish Art, this double volume was dedicated to its founder, Professor Bezalel Narkiss, by the many students and colleagues who contributed to it.I. Manuscripts
Price: $50.00
Hugo Buchthal
Notes on Some Illustrated Byzantine Psalters
Malachie Beit-Arié
Palaeographical Identification of Hebrew Manuscripts: Methodology and Practice
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Filigree Ornaments in Fourteenth-Century Hebrew Manuscripts of the Upper Rhine
Yael Zirlin
The Schocken Italian Haggadah of c.1400 and its Origins
Iris Fishof
The Origin of the Sîddur of the Rabbi of Ruzhin
Ursula Schubert
Zwei Tierszenen am Ende der Ersten Kennicott-Bibel (La Coruña, 1476) in Oxford
Evelyn M. Cohen
The Illustrations in Abraham Farissol's Haggadah of 1515
Shalom Sabar
The Beginnings of Ketbbah Decoration in Italy: Venice in the Late Sixteenth to the Early Seventeenth Centuries
Dalia Haitovsky
The David Drawings in Jacopo Bellini's Sketchbooks
II. Iconography
Moshe Barasch
The Gnostic Image of the Ruler
Victor A. Klagsbald
The Menorah as Symbol: Its Meaning and Origin in Early Jewish Art
Elisheva Revel-Neher
L'Alliance et la Promesse: le symbolisme d'Eretz-Israël dans l'iconography juive du moyen âge
Bianca Khnel
Jewish Symbolism of the Temple and the Tabernacle and Christian Symbolism of the Holy Sepulchre and the Heavenly Tabernacle
Herbert L. Kessler
Passover in St. Peter's
Anthony Cutler
Ephraim, Mosaicist of Bethlehem: The Evidence from Jerusalem
Ruth Mellinkoff
More About Horned Moses
Rachel Milstein
The Iconography of Moses in Islamic Art
Naomi Feuchtwanger
The Coronation of the Virgin and of the Bride
Mira Friedman
The Metamorphoses of Judith
Kurt Schubert
Wikkuach-Thematik in den Illustrationen hebräischer Handschriften
Richard Brilliant
Remembering and Jewish Art
Rachel Wischnitzer
From My Desk
III. Ritual Art
Walter Cahn
The Bîmah of the Worms Synagogue Reconsidered
Vivian B. Mann
The Recovery of a Known Work
Jacobo Furman
A Glass Synagogue Lamp from Damascus
Ita Aber
Jewish Fishscale Embroidery on Mazzah Bags from Eastern Europe
IV. Modern Art
Haia Friedberg
Lissitzky's Had Gadîa'
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Ben Shahn and the Problem of Jewish Identity
Avigdor W.G. Posèq
Five Allegorical Self-Portraits of Igael Tumarkin
Milly Heyd
King David Modernized: Ivan Shwebel and Contemporary Sources
Yael Zirlin
The Publications of Bezalel Narkiss
Book Reviews:
Shalom Sabar
Ketubbot italiane. Antichi contratti nuziali ebraici miniati
Yael Zirlin
The Kennicott Bible
Codex Maimuni: Moses Maimonides Code of Law, The Illuminated Pages of the Kaufmann Mishneh Torah


Volume 11 (1985)Jewish Art
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

88 pages, 69 illustrations, 6 in color
Price: $50.00
Archer St. Clair
God's House of Peace in Paradise: The Feast of Tabernacles on a Jewish Gold Glass
Mira Friedman
The Four Sons of the Haggadah and the Ages of Man
Samuel S. Kottek
Humilitas: On a Controversial Medal of Benjamin Son of Elijah Beer the Physician (1497?-1503?)
Steven Kolsteren
Simeon Solomon and the Song of Songs
Abraham Gilam
Erich Goeritz and Jewish Art Patronage in Berlin during the 1920s
Book Review:
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Avram Kampf, Jewish Experience in the Art of the 20th Century
Yael Zirlin
On the Illuminations of the Hebrew Manuscripts in Parma


Volume 10 (1984)Jewish Art
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

120 pages, 110 illustrations, 18 in color
Price: $50.00
Bezalel Narkiss
Pharaoh is Dead and Living at the Gates of Hell
Ruth Mellinkoff
Three Mysterious Ladies Unmasked
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Further Thoughts on an Early Illustrated Pentateuch
Clifford M. Brown
The "Camera del Mapamondo et del Caiero" in the Palazzo di San Sebastian in Mantua
Shalom Sabar
The Use and Meaning of Christian Motifs in Illustrations of Jewish Marriage Contracts in Italy
Milly Heyd
Illustrations in Early Editions of the Tsene-U'rene: Jewish Adaptations of Christian Sources
Alice M. Greenwald
The Masonic Mizrah and Lamp: Jewish Ritual Art as a Reflection of Cultural Assimilation
Mira Friedman
Prophet Elijah's Ascension in the Works of Chagall
Book Review:
Milly Heyd
Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Jacob Steinhardt, Etchings and Lithographs
Alphabetical List of Articles, Volumes 1-10


Volume 9 (1982)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss & Prof. Gabrielle Sed-Rajna

120 pages, 113 illustrations, 26 in color
Price: $50.00
Elisabeth Revel-Neher
La double page du Codex Amiatinus et ses rapports avec les plans du Tabernacle dans l'art juif et dans l'art byzantin
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
The Paintings of the London Miscellany
Ruth Mellinkoff
Judas' Red Hair and the Jews
Guy N. Deutsch
Legendes midrachiques dans le peinture de Nicolas Poussin
Vivian B. Mann
A Sixteenth-Century Box in the New York Jewish Museum and its Transformation
Iris Fishof
"Jerusalem above my chief joy": Depictions of Jerusalem in Italian Ketubot
Ester Muchawsky-Schnapper
Oil Sabbath Lamps and Hanukkah Lamps of Stone from the Yemen
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
The Jewish Jesus
Michel Garel
Le mobilier du Sanctuaire: un folio détaché


Volume 8 (1981)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

108 pages, 99 illustrations, 5 in color
Price: $50.00
Lucille Roussin
The Beit Leontis Mosaic: An Eschatological Interpretation
Herbert L. Kessler
Traces of an Early Illustrated Pentateuch
Mordechai Narkiss
Origins of the Spice Box
Ellen S. Saltman
The "Forbidden Image" in Jewish Art
Chone Shmeruk
The Itinerary of an Illustration since 1593
Helen Rosenau
Reflections on Moses Montefiore and Social Function in the Arts
Milly Heyd
On Two Stories of the Expulsion from Tel Aviv by Nahum Guttman
Edward van Voolen
A Valance from the Portuguese Synagogue in the Joods Historisch Museum
Ruth Eis
A Silver Hevra Qaddisha Cup at the Judah L. Magnes Museum


Volume 7 (1980)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

92 pages, 125 illustrations, 7 in color
Price: $50.00
Marilyn J. Chiat
Synagogues and Churches in Byzantine Beit She'an
Sheila Edmunds
The Place of the London Haggadah in the Work of Joel ben Simeon
Cissy Grossman
Italian Torah Binders
Alexander Scheiber
The Jewish Artistic School of Kittsee
Giza Frankel
Notes on the Costume of the Jewish Woman in Eastern Europe
Milly Heyd
Lilien and Beardsley
Michael D. Levin
The Second Generation in Israeli Architecture
Book Review:
Stanley I. Batkin, Let Make Me a Sanctuary


Volume 6 (1979)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

168 pages, 143 illustrations, 9 in color
This volume is dedicated to Rachel Wischnitzer on her 95th birthday
Price: $50.00
Rachel Wischnitzer
From My Archives
Ruth Mellinkoff
Cain and the Jews
Anthony Cutler
A Psalter from Mâr Saba and the Evolution of the David Cycle
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
The Illustrations of the Kaufmann Mishneh Torah
Michel Garel
The Foa Bible
Nancy Berman
The Hirsch and Rothchild Hanukkah Lamps
Gnter Bhm
The Synagogues of Surinam
Carol Herselle Krinsky
Hector Guimard's Art Nouveau Synagogue in Paris
Leila Avrin
Note on "Micrography: A Jewish Art Form"
Daphna Rix
Chagall's Interpretation of the Song of Songs
Victor Klagsbald
Une plaque de Torah antique
William L. Gross
Catalogue of Catalogues
Rochelle Weinstein
Rachel Wischnitzer: A Bibliography


Volume 5 (1978)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

115 pages, 100 illustrations, 6 in color
Price: $50.00
Paul Corby Finney
Orpheus-David: A Connection in Iconography between Greco-Roman Judaism and Early Christianity?
John Wilkinson
The Beit Alpha Synagogue Mosaic: Towards an Interpretation
Ursula Schubert
Egyptian Bondage and Exodus in the Ashburnham Pentateuch
Jo Milgrom
Moses Sweetens the "Bitter Waters" of the "Portable Well": An Interpretation of a Panel at Dura Europos Synagogue
Avram Kampf
In Quest of Jewish Style in the Era of the Russian Revolution
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Chagall's Jewish In-Jokes
Mira Friedman
Icon Painting and Russian Popular Art as Sources of Some Works by Chagall


Volume 3/4 (1976/1977)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

143 pages, 169 illustrations, 12 in color
Price: $50.00
Gideon Foester
The Synagogues at Massada and Herodion
Stanley Ferber
Micrography: A Jewish Art Form
Malachie Beit-Ari´
Joel Ben Simeon's Manuscripts: A Codicologer's View
David Casutto
The Scuola Grande Tedesca in the Venice Ghetto
Hava Lasar
Jonah' the Tower and the Lions: an 18th Century Italian Silver Book Binding
Ora Schwartz
Jewish Weavings in Kurdistan
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Steinhardt's Call for Peace
Michael Levin
The Transformation of the Villa Savoye into Jewish National Library: Le Corbusier's Influence on Two Generations of Israeli Architects
Victor Klagsbald
Clay Lamps with Biblical Scenes
Book Reviews:
Gideon Foerster
S.J.Saller, Second Revised Catalogue of Ancient Synagogues of the Holy Land
Elizabeth Revel-Neher
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna, L'Art Juif, Orient et Occident
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Jacob Leveen, The Bible in Art


Volume 2 (1975)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

96 pages, 117 illustrations, 8 in color
Price: $50.00
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Toledo or Burgos?
Michel Garel
The Rediscovery of the Wolf Haggadah
Richard Barnett
A Group of Embroidered Cloths from Jerusalem
Giza Frankel
Little-Known Handicrafts of Polish Jews in the 19th and 20th Centuries
David Davidovitch
Ceramic Seder Plates From Non-Jewish Workshops
Eric M. Zafran
An Alleged Case of Image Desecration by the Jews and its Representation in Art: The Virgin of Cambron
Michael Levin
The Stones of Jerusalem
Avram Kampf
The Cycle of Expulsion and Return: A Mural by Yossel Bergner
Book Review:
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
Mendel Metzger, La Haggada Enlumine?


Volume 1 (1974)
Edited by Prof. Bezalel Narkiss

96 pages, 89 illustrations
Price: $50.00
Bezalel Narkiss
The Scheme of the Sanctuary from the Time of Herod the Great
Rachel Wischnitzer
Maimonides' Drawings of the Temple
Ruth Mellinkoff
The Round-Topped Tablets of the Law: Sacred Symbol and Emblem of Evil
Peter Bloch
Seven-Branched Candelabra in Christian Churches
Elizabeth Revel-Neher
Problems d'Iconographie Judeo-Chretienne: Le Theme de la Coiffure du Cohen Gadol dans l'Art Byzantin
Rochelle Weinstein
A Stone of Remembrance
Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Lipchitz and Picasso: Thematic Interpenetrations
Guido Schoenberger
What About Breastplates!
Book Review:
Gabrielle Sed-Rajna
The Dura-Europos Synagogue: A Re-Evaluation (1932-1972)