Obj. ID: 53704 Holocaust Memorial to two Jewish children in the Jewish Cemetery in San José, Costa Rica, 2023
Name of Monument
No official name
What/Who is commemorated?
Two Jewish children killed in the Holocaust
The marble (?) plaque is affixed to the cemetery wall and inscribed in Spanish and English.
In Spanish:
Rita Vaiserg
nacida en 1935
Toamshl, Ucrania
Falleció el 4 de Agosto de 1941
Tomashl, Ucrania. Tenía 6 años.
Alfred Loewiger
nacido en 1940
Somorja, Checoslovaquia
Falleció en 1944
Auschwitz, Polonia
Tenía 4 años.
Dos nombres que nunca habíamos escuchado y que conocimos por primera vez
durante la Marcha de la Vida en Polonia en la primavera del 2023.
Dos nombres de dos personas, dos niños, cuya memoria custodiaremos por siempre.
Translations: Rita Vaiserg, born in 1935, Tomashl, Ukraine, died on August 4, 1941, Tomashl, Ukraine. She was 6 years old. / Alfred Loewiger, born in 1940, Somorja, Czechoslovakia, died in 1944, Auschwitz, Poland. He was 4 years old. / These are two names we had never heard before and learned for the first time during the March of the Living in Poland in the spring of 2023. Two names of two individuals, two children, whose memory we will cherish forever.
In English:
"If something happens, I would want there to be somebody to remember
that someone named David Berger had once lived." David Berger's last letter,
Vilna 1941
Transliteration from Hebrew to Spanish:
Baruj Dayan ha Emet
Translation: Blessed is the true judge.
Commissioned by
A compilation of the last letters from the Holocaust victims was published by Yad Vashem in 2014. The postcard sent by David Berger to his friend Elza Gross in March 1941 was published in the book [Last Letters, p. 196]
Bacharach, Walter Zwi, ed., Last Letters from the Holocaust (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and Devora Publishing Company, 2004), p. 196.
"David Berger,"
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/david-berger/., https://www.hmd.org.uk/ (accessed May 1, 2024)