Obj. ID: 43167 Holocaust Memorial in the Jewish Cemetery in Nadvirna, Ukraine, 2018
Who is Commemorated?
Jews killed in Nadworna in 1941-42
The original cemetery perimeter is nearly rectangular in shape and of approximately 600m length, enclosing roughly 2.4 hectares of area, on a nearly-flat site; a portion of the original cemetery is overbuilt with industrial buildings. The monument is located at the north corner of the cemetery grounds, outside the main fence and wall, facing the road.
The text of the inscription is in four languages: Hebrew, Yiddish, English, and Ukrainian. The plaque is dated for the dedication ceremony and signed by the NSRG.
The inscription in Hebrew reads:
שנרצחנו ע''י הגרמנים ועוזריהם בנדבורנה
בשנים 1941-1942
יהי זכרם ברוך
The inscription in Yiddish and Hebrew reads:
וועלעכע זענען געהארגעט געווארען
דורך דייטשן און זיימערע מיטהעלפער
אין נאדווארנע אין די יארן 1941-1942
ארץ אל תכסי דמם נקום נקמת דם עבדיך השפוך
Translation: In eternal memory of our families murdered by Germans and their collaborators in Nadworna in the years 1941-1942. // Earth, do not cover my blood [Job 16:18] you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants [Ps. 79:10] [The last row is in Hebrew, a quote from Job 16:18 and Ps. 79:10].
The inscription in English reads:
their collaborators in the years 1941-1942.
May their memory be blessed.
замордованим в Надвiрнiй нiмецькими
нацистами та їх
The inscription in Hebrew reads:
א' אלול תשע''ח
Translation: May their souls be bound in the bundle of life. 1 Elul, 5778 [=August 12, 2018]
In English:
August 12, 2018
Nadworna Shtetl Research Group
We are grateful to Steven Turner and NSRG (Nadworna Shtetl Research Group), who provided us with the images and description of the memorial.
On the Holocaust in Nadvirna, see
Levin, Vladimir. "Nadworna - Holocaust," Jewish Galicia and Bukovina, July 13, 2009, http://jgaliciabukovina.net/134305/article/nadworna-holocaust (accessed February 17, 2022)