Obj. ID: 42731 The Monument of Salvation in Tel Aviv, Israel, 2018
Who is Commemorated?
Bulgarians, who protected the Jews from deportation in 1943
The monument is placed near the seashore, behind the Etzel Museum.
The sculpture represents two bending and hugging human figures, male and female, protecting the Star of David. Both figures “grow” from the same base and their form resembles a heart.
Identical inscriptions in Hebrew and English are written on a bronze plaque on the right of the monument. Their text is a copy of the inscription at the monument in Sofia.
The inscriptions in Hebrew and English is identical and read:
אנדרטת ההצלה
באביב 1943 נמנע גירושם של יותר מ-48,000 מיהודי בולגריה
למחנות ההשמדה הנאציים הודות למאבקם של חברי פרלמנט,
מנהיגי הכנסייה האורתודוקסית הבולגרית, אישי ציבור,
אנשי רוח ואחרים.
אנדרטה זו מוקמת להנצחת מבצע ההצלה יוצא הדופן ולזכרם
של יותר מ-11,000 יהודים שחיו בצפון יוון ובשטחי יוגוסלביה
לשעבר תחת שלטון בולגריה, אשר נרצחו במחנה
ההשמדה טרבלינקה.
The Monument of Salvation
In the Spring of 1943, thanks to the efforts of members of
the Parlament, leaders of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church,
public figures, intellectuals and others, the deportation to
Nazi death camps and the physical annihilation of more
than 48,000 Bulgarian Jews was prevented.
We recall this outstanding rescue and remember more
than 11,000 Jews from both Northern Greece and parts of
ex-Yugoslavia, under Bulgarian administration, who were
deported and murdered in the Treblinka death camp.
Commissioned by:
The government of Bulgaria
The idea to commemorate the salvation of Bulgarian Jews through two identical monuments, in Sofia and Tel Aviv, appeared in connection to the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the salvation in 2013. The Bulgarian government allocated 150,000 Levs to mark the anniversary, including the construction of two monuments.
The monument is Sofia was unveiled on July 7, 2016, during the visit of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The monument in Tel Aviv was unveiled on September 5, 2018, during the visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov. The Star of David in the Tel Aviv version is made smaller, according to the recommendation of the Tel Aviv Commission on Monuments.
The monument is installed in Jaffa, where a large community of Bulgarian Jews settled in the 1950s.
"Chvetkov, Muchil, andartat ha-hatsalah, 2018, bronza, park charles clore," Site of Tel Aviv Jaffa Municipality., https://www.tel-aviv.gov.il/Pages/MainItemPage.aspx?WebID=3af57d92-807c-43c5-8d5f-6fd455eb2776&ListID=81e17809-311d-4bba-9bf1-2363bb9debcd&ItemID=660 (accessed January 3, 2022)
"Otkrivat v Tel Aviv ekvivalent na pametnika za spasenieto na b'lgarskite evrei v Sofiia," Alef: Tsent'r za evreisko-b'lgarsko s'trudnichestvo. September 3, 2018., http://alef-bg.org/откриват-в-тел-авив-еквивалент-на-паме/ (accessed January 3, 2022)
"Pametnik na spasenieto," Regist'r na pametnitsite v Sofiia, https://registersofia.bg/index.php?view=monument&option=com_monuments&formdata[id]=1065&Itemid=140 (accessed January 3, 2022)