Gross Family Collection
The Center for Jewish Art
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Index of Jewish Art
The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art
Historic Synagogues of Europe
Wall Paintings in Central and East European Synagogues
Illuminated Esther Scrolls
Slovenian Jewish Heritage
Ursula and Kurt Schubert Archives
Holocaust Memorial Monuments
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Sefer Yetzirah. Liber Iezirah, Amsterdam, 1642
Siach Yitzhak, Jerusalem, 1923
Machzor Le-Rosh Ha-shanah, Tel Aviv, 1938
Moa'dim Nusach Sefarad, Tel Aviv, 1931
Nashim Rachmaniot, Amsterdam, 1857
Job with German translation by Aharon Wolfsohn, Basel, 1826
Birkat Ha-Mazon, Dyhernfurth, 1691
Apiryon Shlomo by Avraham Sasson, Venice, 1608
Ha-Safah Ha-Ivrit. Chelek Sheni, Casablanca, circa 1950
Chakayit Be-Dor Bint Al-Johari, Tunis, 194?
Devir Ha-Bayit. Drasha Mefoarah al Dvar Chanukat Beit Tefilah Ha-Nivneh Bikar, Budapest, 1931
Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim, Warsaw, 1864
Chinuch Ha-Yeladim. Livre prèléninaire à l'accès des enfants, Djerba, 1942
Goralot Achitofel, Casablanca, Early 20th century
Shevach Ve-Rina by Yehudah Simchon, Meknes, 1946
Birkat Hashem. Ha-Hadpasa Shlishit..., Casablanca, 1954
Nahum Brill, Toldot Shabbetai Tzvi by Rabbi Nachum Brill, Vilnius (Vilna, Wilno), 1879
Choveret Meshivat Nefesh. Pizmonim Me-Likutim Me-Sefarim Shonim Al Yadei Minhalei Ha-Chevra, Marrakech (Marrakesh), 1936
Tefilot Le-Hotzaat Sefer Torah Shel Mo'adim Le-Khol Ha-Shanah, Casablanca, circa 1950
Eit Rachamim. Seder Avodat Ha-Kodesh Be-Yom Ha-Kippurim Ve-Shar Tefilot U-Pizmonim, Tangier, 1959
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