Obj. ID: 53898
  Sacred and Ritual Amulet for a male child, Vilnius (Vilna, Wilno), 1883
sub-set tree: 
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
This amulet was printed for the birth of a male child. An almost identical amulet was printed with it for the birth of a female child (Gross 027.011.066). These amulets feature the "shir le-ma'alot" prayer, the names of the patriarchal couples, and specific formulas against Lilith.
Amulets printed in Vilnius are not common.
The date of the first censorship approval is 1870, some 13 years before the printing date, so one can assume that this example is not the first printing. That fact is confirmed by Gross 027.011.227, a sheet of six amulets identical to this. That sheet was printed in the same year, when the censorship approval was given, 1870.
These amulets were printed at the room press in Vilnius, the largest Jewish press in the area in the 19th century, and the printers of the classic form of the Talmud from that time. The huge building housing their press still stands in Vilnius and must have held hundreds of workers.