Obj. ID: 38604
  Sacred and Ritual Snuffbox, Essaouira, 1951
sub-set tree: 
The following description was prepared by William Gross:
Such snuff boxes were used at Sabbath and festival synagogue prayers. During long hours of prayer, snuff boxes were passed around to the participants as a stimulant to maintain alertness and concentration. Snuff boxes were very much in use in Morocco, but most such boxes were fashioned from silver. This is an example of a box in a less expensive materia, brassl; but in this case that makes it a rarer item. At one point it had been silvered, but that coating has mostly worn off. The box is inscribed with both the name of the owner and the maker. It is also dated to 1951.
Around the edge:
הצעיר ע"ה שלום המיפרח הי"ו יום ב' בש' ר"ח שבט שנ' תשי"א
The young servant of the Lord, Shalom Hamifrach, May the Lord sustain him and grant him favor, on Monday, the first day of Shevat in the year (5)711 [1951].
יצחק אדהאן ע"ה
The servant of Lord, Yitzhak Adahan.