Obj. ID: 8337
  Architecture Great Synagogue in Bykhov, Belarus
The Great Synagogue in Bykhov was built in the 17th century, and reconstructed later in the 18th century. It is one of the best preserved synagogues in Belarus. Around the year 1990 the building was abandoned.
The documentation undertaken in 1993 lead to the discovery of the remains of stucco decoration and paintings in the dome of the bimah support.
The only preserved painting was a depiction of a vase located on one of the piers of the bimah.
See also:
sub-set tree: 
CJA documentation;
Maria and Kazimierz Piechotka, Bramy Nieba: Bóżnice murowane na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (Warsaw, 1999), pp. 270-3 with ills. and ills. 296, 300;
Boris Khaimovich, "Istoriko-etnographicheskie ekspeditsii Peterburgskogo evreiskogo universiteta," in: V.A.Dymshitz (ed.), Istoriia evreev na Ukraine i v Belorussii: ekspeditsii, pamiatniki, nakhodki (=Trudy po iudaike, issue 2) (St. Petersburg, 1994), p. 30-31 with ill.;
Rossiiskaia evreiskaia entsiklopediia (Moscow), vol. 4 - 2000, p. 193-4 with ill.;
A. I. Lokotko, Arkhitektura evropeiskikh sinagog (Minsk, 2002), pp. 72-73 with ill., p. 104 with ill.;
Litin, Aleksander, Istoriia mogilevskogo evreistva: dokumenty i liudi (Minsk, 2006) - volume 2, part 1, p. 136;
http://globus.tut.by/byhov/index.htm#sinagoga; A.S. Dembovetskii (ed.), Opyt opisaniia Mogilevskoi gubernii v istoricheskom, fiziko-geograficheskom, etnograficheskom, promyshlennom, sel'sko-khoziaistvennom, lesnom, uchebnom, meditsinskom i statisticheskom otnoshenii, vol. 2 (Mogilev, 1884), p. 52;
David E. Fishman, “‘To Our Brethren Abroad’: Letters and Reports by Soviet Rabbis, 1925–1930,” Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe 1–2(54–55)(2005), p. 156;
Niunkaitė-Račiūnnienė, Aistė, Lietuvos žydų tradicinio meno ir simbolių pasaulis: Atvaizdai, vaizdiniai ir tekstai (Vilnius, 2011), ill. 30-35
Biuleten' manitorynhu histarychnai prastory, 1/2016: Sinahohi Belarusi, pp. 97-103 - photos of the 1930s.