Obj. ID: 54106
  Memorials Reburial of the Holocaust Victims from Eglaine in the Šmerli New Jewish Cemetery in Riga, Latvia, 1960s(?)
To the main object: Šmerli New Jewish Cemetery in Riga, Latvia
Memorial Name
No official name
Who/What is Commemorated?
More than 12 Jewish victims of the Holocaust from Eglaine (Jakobsohn, Gellerman, Haimovitch, and Falkin families).
A black granite obelisk stands on the mass grave of Jewish Holocaust victims from Eglaine, apparently reinterred here in the 1960s.The grave is marked by a stone border with stone posts and covered by stone slabs.
The obelisk bears the Star of David with the letters pei nun and a Yiddish inscription with the names of the buried listed in two columns: the right one contains the names of the family, and the left one - the names of friends. A short Russian inscription appears on the base of the obelisk.
מיינע ליבע
עלטערן ברודער שוועסטער
אשר בר' שבתי
עלא דבורה
ובנה הבחור
יצחק יהודה
ובנותיו הבתולות
צילה, חוה
ברטע, שרה
און פריינט
שמריה בר'
יהודה לייב
בר' נחמן מלד
אברהם בר' משה
שנת תשי"א
Translation: Here are buried my beloved, unforgettable perished. Parents, brothers, sisters: Meir Asher son of Shabbetai and his wife, Ella–Deborah and her young son, Yitzhak Yehudah and his young daughters Tzila, Havah, Berte, Sarah Jakobsohn; and friends: Shmariyahu son of Avraham Gellerman with his family, Yehuda Leib son of Nahman Meled (?) Haimovitch with his family, Avraham son of Moshe Falkin with his family. The year 1941. May their souls be bound in the bundle of life.
в июле 1941 г.
Translation: Killed in July 1941.
Commissioned by
Members of the Jakobsohn family (judging from the inscription).
sub-set tree: 
"In July 1941 in Eglaine, in a distance of approximately 200 m from Skolas Street the local self–defenders shot 12–15 Jews of Eglaine. In 1950, upon the initiative of surviving relatives, the deceased were reinterred in the New Jewish Cemetery in Riga" (http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/zemgale/ilukste-municipality-eglaine/).
"Holocaust Memorial Places in Latvia," a website by the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia, http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/zemgale/ilukste-municipality-eglaine/;, http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/riga-and-riga-district/3196-2/.
Meler, Meyer, Jewish Latvia: Sites to Remember (Tel-Aviv: Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel, 2013)
Meler, Meyer, Mesta nashei pamiati: Evreiskie obshchiny Latvii, unichtozhennye v Kholokoste (Riga: by the author, 2010), pp. 423-425.