Obj. ID: 52451
Memorials Plaques dedicated to the memory of all victims in Šķēde, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006
To the main object: Menora Memorial in Šķēde, Liepāja, Latvia, 2005
Official name
No official name
Who is commemorated?
Jews, Soviet POWs, and Latvian civilians killed in the Šķēde dunes, including rescuers of Jews
At the entrance to the Righteous Among the Nations Alley, on its northern side, three black granite plaques on a grey granite base inform - in Latvian, Russian, and English - about the number of Jews, Soviet POWs, and Latvian civilians killed in the Šķēde dunes.
Nacistu okupācijas upuru
piemiņas vieta
Šeit, Šķēdes kāpās, no 1941. līdz 1945. gadam
tika nogalināti
3640 ebreji, ieskaitot 1048 bērnos
ap 2000 padomju karagūstekņu,
ap 1000 latviešu civiliedzīvotāju,
ieskaitot cilvēkus, kuri palidzēja ebrejiem
un karagūstekņiem un pretojās okupantiem.
Mēs godinām musu piederīgo un visu pārējo
vardarbīgi nonāvēto upuru piemiņu
Liepājas ebreju
Eduarda Andersa un Vladimira Bāna ziedoiums
Место памяти жертв
нацистской оккупации
Здесь в Шкедских дюнах,
c 1941 по 1945 годы были убиты
3640 евреев, в том числе 1048 детей,
Около 2000 советских военнопленных и
1000 латвийских гражданских лиц,
включая людей, которые помогали
евреям и военнопленным
и оказывали сопротивление оккупантам.
Мы чтим память наших родных и
всех погибших от рук нацистов
Пожертвование лиепайских евреев
Эдварда Андерса и Владимира Бана
Memorial Site for Victims
of Nazi Occupation
Here in the Šķēde dunes
were murdered from 1941 to 1945
3640 Jews, including 1048 children,
~2000 Soviet prisoners of war,
~1000 Latvian civilians,
including people who helped Jews and
prisoners, and resisted the occupiers.
We honor the memory of our relatives
and all other victims who lie here,
united in death
Donated by Liepāja Jews
Edward Anders and Vladimirs Bāns
Commissioned by
Edward Anders and Vladimirs Bāns
sub-set tree:
The plaque was installed in 2006.
"Holocaust Memorial Places in Latvia," a website by the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia, http://memorialplaces.lu.lv/memorial-places/kurzeme/liepaja-municipality-the-skede-dunes/.
Meler, Meyer, Jewish Latvia: Sites to Remember (Tel-Aviv: Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel, 2013), p. 216.
Meler, Meyer, Mesta nashei pamiati: Evreiskie obshchiny Latvii, unichtozhennye v Kholokoste (Riga: by the author, 2010), p. 256.