Obj. ID: 48826
  Funerary Art Jewish cemetery in Kybartai, Lithuania - Photos of 2020
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Kybartai, Lithuania
According to ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, the local Jewish Community did not have a cemetery in the town until 1912: they buried their dead in the nearby town Virbalis. Only in 1912 a Chevra Kadisha was established in Kybartai and it obtained a plot for a cemetery outside the town. The cemetery was in use until June 1941, and became completely abandoned after the annihilation of the local Jewish Community. When in 1998, Lithuania included the cemetery into the list of Lithuanian cultural heritage, only around 80 different gravestones in rather poor condition were found at the cemetery. Three stone pillars from the cemetery fence also survived.
The front and right hand side has been fenced with a 1m tall metal-mesh fence. A part of the fence on the left hand side is wooden and belongs to private property, the other part on the left and the back is a 1.3m metal-mesh on concrete pillar fence. There are 72 gravestones.
sub-set tree:
| Plytkelio street, between houses No.18 & No.20 on the right hand side