Obj. ID: 47752
  Memorials Holocaust memorial in the Jewish cemetery in Oleksandriia, Ukraine, 2000s
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Oleksandriia, Ukraine
Memorial Name
Пам’ятний знак на місці розстрілу єврейського населення
Translation: Memorial Sign on the site of shooting of Jewish population
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Oleksandriia and the surrounding area, who were murdered here on September 22, 1942
На цьому місці
22 вересня 1941 р.
були знищені
близько 100 євреїв
села Олександрія і
навколишніх сіл
Вічна памʼять
невинним жертвам
Translation: At this place, about 100 Jews of the village Oleksandriia and surrounding villages were exterminated by the fascist occupiers on September 22, 1942 / Eternal memory to the innocent Victims of genocide
מעל 100יהודים
תושבי אלכסנדריה
והקברו חיים
שנרצחו באכזריות
הנאצי ועוזריו
על-ירי [=על-ידי] הצורר
ת.נ.צ.ב.ה [=תהי נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים]
Translation: Here are buried over 100 Jews of the village Aleksandria and the vicinity, who were brutally murdered and buried alive / May God avenge their blood / by the Nazi oppressor and his assistants / 1941–1943 / May their souls be bound in the bundle of life
The Hebrew text has incorrect word order. Translating the inscription into English, we attempted to reconstruct the initial intentions of the authors.
Commissioned by
[To be determined]
sub-set tree:
| Shevchenka street (around 200 metres South from UkrPoshta)
A ghetto in Oleksandriia was established in August 1942. On September 23–24, 1942, it was liquidated. During the liquidation of the ghetto, 903 Jews were shot in Sviatskyi Forest. 85 Jews, who managed to survive the liquidation of the ghetto, returned to Oleksandriia. They were murdered on October 28.1942 [Tsal Kaplun Foundation].
According to the Tsal Kaplun Foundation, the monument on the killing site was established in the 2000s. Apparently it was erected before 2002, because the Head of the Rivne Regional State Administration included the memorial sign on The List of Monuments of History and Monumental Art of Local Significance of Rivne District by the order no. 292 on May 27, 2002 [Rivnenska raionna derzhavna administratsiia].
"Aleksandria: Jewish Cemetery,"
Shoah Atrocities Map - Ukraine (Tsal Kaplun Foundation), https://shoahatlas.org/u0910.html.
"Povnyi perelik pamiatok arkheolohii, istorii ta...," Rivnenska raionna derzhavna administratsiia, https://rrda.rv.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/30/%D1%96%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%96%20%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BC%CA%BC%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B8/perelik-pamyatok-rivnenskogo-rayonu.docx (accessed February 17, 2024)