Obj. ID: 45093
Memorials Holocaust memorial in the Jewish cemetery in Yabluniv, Ukraine, 2010s
To the main object: Jewish cemetery in Yabluniv, Ukraine
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Victims of the Holocaust from Yabluniv who were murdered here
The monument is located in the Jewish cemetery in Yabluniv. It is a stone slab that curves to a point at its top. A black stone slab of the same shape as the monument is embedded on its front side. The slab bears an inscription in Ukrainian.
in Ukrainian:
За часи фашистської окупації
тут були жорстоко вбиті
чоловіки, жінки, старі
та діти тільки тому,
що вони були євреями.
Цього не повинно повторитися.
Вічна памʼять загиблим.
Translation: During the times of fascist occupation / here were brutally killed / men, women, old [people] / and children only because / they were Jews. / It should not repeat. / Eternal memory to the perished.
Commissioned by
A Ukrainian politician
sub-set tree:
According to Liubov Solovka, there were about 1,000 Jews in Yabluniv in 1939. According to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory, 1,157 Jews from the Yabluniv district perished in the Holocaust. Among them, 120 Jews were murdered in Yabluniv in May 1942, the rest were deported to Kołomyja [Solovka, p. 177].
A monument was erected in the Yabluniv Jewish cemetery by a Ukrainian politician in the 2010s.
Solovka, Liubov and Svitlana Oryshko, 150 iz 150 tysiach... Holokost yevreiv Prykarpattia yak skladova etnodemohrafichnoi Katastrofy Skhidnoi Halychyny, (Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2019), p. 177.