Obj. ID: 44761
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial Plaques on the Synagogue in Novi Sad, Serbia, 1985 and 2018
To the main object: Synagogue in Novi Sad, Serbia
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
The Jews of Novi Sad deported during the Holocaust
Three granite plaques with engraved golden inscriptions are mounted on the facade of the Novi Sad synagogue, on the right-hand side of the entrance. The first plaque, with the inscription in Serbo-Croatian, was unveiled on 26 April 1985 and was made by sculptor Velo Hadžiavdić. The other two plaques, with inscriptions in English and in Hebrew, were unveiled on 26 April 2018 and placed on both sides of the original 1985 plaque. The inscriptions have identical content commemorating the deportation of Novi Sad Jews.
Iz ove zgrade su
26. aprila 1944. godine
deportovani novosadski
u nacističke koncentracione
logore uništenja.
מהבניין הזה
בתאריך 26.04.1944
נשלחו יהודי נובי סאד
למחנות השמדה נאציים
From this building
on April 26th, 1944
Novi Sad Jews were
deported to Nazi
extermination camps.
Commissioned by
The Jewish Community of Novi Sad
sub-set tree: 
The synagogue of Novi Sad bears the scars of World War II and the Holocaust. Jews of Novi Sad were imprisoned there before their deportation to Nazi death camps. Afterward, it was used as a storehouse for possessions left behind by the Jews. After the liberation, it was used as a space to distribute humanitarian aid sent from the West. The synagogue was in use until 1966. With less than 10 percent of its prewar congregation, the community did not have the means to renovate and maintain the temple. Therefore, after years of neglect, it was handed over to the city for management and underwent renovation from 1985 until 1991. The synagogue has been leased to the Novi Sad Municipality since 1991 and has been used as a concert hall and from time to time for the celebration of the Jewish holidays.
The initiative for the memorial plaque came from the Jewish community in 1984 and the initial idea was to unveil the plaque the same year. However, the Commission for Public Monuments and Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Novi Sad City Assembly granted them permission only a year later. The first memorial plaque was unveiled on April 26, 1985, commemorating the 41st anniversary of the deportation and the 40th anniversary of the victory over fascism and the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps. The same year, as already mentioned, a 6-year restoration process of the synagogue began.
Commemoration ceremonies organized by the Jewish community Novi Sad are held annually on the anniversary of the deportation of Novi Sad Jews, April 26. The plaques are maintained by the Jewish Community Novi Sad.
"Memorials in Novi Sad," Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/17 (accessed April 10, 2022)
“O nama,” Jevrejska opština Novi Sad