Obj. ID: 44705
  Illuminated Manuscripts Fugger’s Medical Miscellany , Venice, c. 1552
Meir appears in BSB Cod.hebr. 7, 8, 11, 15, 23, 27, 29, 31, 39, 44, 47, 50, 54, 56, 58, 59; Jacob ben Joseph in BSB Cod.hebr. 10, 12, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 31, 32, 40, 43, 48, 52, 57, 58, 62, 73.
sub-set tree: 
Text space: Meir: (226-238) x (135-138) mm.
Jacob ben Joseph: (238-239) x (137-140) mm.
1. Sha'arei Hayyim (שערי חיים; Gate of Life) by Mordecai Raphael ben Jacob Rosello (fols. 1r-42v): begins יאר יי' פניו אליך במאור תורתו (Scholem 1933/34:503 no. 41).
2. Commentary on Avicenna's Canon (Book III; פירוש הקאנון) (fols. 43r-231v): beginsאמר המחבר אמר השר אבו עלי אבן סינא
3. Hanhagat ha-Kadahat (הנהגת הקדחת; Treatment of Fever) (fols. 232r-261v): begins בעבור שאין יותר טוב בחקירת האמת כי אם על-ידי ויכוח החכמים (Steinschneider 1893:841).
4. Ez Hayyim (עץ החיים; Tree of Life) by Aaron ben Elijah of Nicomedia (fols. 262r-338r): begins זה ספר דרך אמונה חברו החכם האלהי הכולל מאשטרי' אברהם ן' ביבאג ז"ל ממלכות אראגון. Another copy inMunich, BSB Cod.hebr. 56 (fols. 265-348v).
5. Treatise on purgatives and emetics (the Latin title: De medicines iaxtavis: De Consolatione medicinarum et correctione operationum earundem) (מהעצה והטבעים והתנאים של רפואות המשלשלות הפשוטות והמורכבות) by Yuhanna ibn Masawaih (Mesue) (fols. 339r-411v): begins אחל ספר יואניס אבן מסואי מהעצה והטבעים והתנאים של רפואות משלשלות הפשוטות (Sarton 1931:784; Steinschneider 1893:718-719).
6. Treatise on Purgation (הכבוסים והטהרות) by Gerhardus (גררדוס) (fols. 411v-452v): begins ספר הכבוסים וטהרת הגופים . Another copy in Munich: BSB Cod.hebr. 27 (fols. 151-158v, 163-177, 186-193v).
7. Hanhagat ha-Guf ha-Bari (הנהגת הגוף הבריא; Treatment of Healthy Body) by Shem Tov ibn Falaquera (fols. 452v-458v): beginsבתי הנהגת גוף בריא אמר ר' שם טוב בן פלקירא כבר התבאר בספרים אשר על דרך המופת.
Fol. 42v: the colophon of the copying exemplar:
ותכל מלאכת הקדש בארבעה ועשרים יום לחדש טבת/ שנת חמשת אלפים ושלש מאות ואחד עשר לבריאות עולם/ פה בעיר רומא מתא דיתבא על נהר/ טיבריס וכתבתהו אני/ יוסף בכמ"ר/ אליהו/ חכים/ זלה"ה (זכרו לחיי העולם הבא)/ לבקשת החכם/ השלם כמהר"ר מרדכי/ רפאל בן הנשא ונעלה זקן/ ונשוא פנים י' יעקב רושילו י"ץ (ישמרהו צורו) השם/ יתברך יזכהו לחבר ספרים אחרים אמן וכן/ יהי רצון.
(I began this holy work on 24th Tevet, 5311 [2nd January 1551] from the creation of the world, here in the city of Rome on the river Tiber. I, Joseph son of R. Elijah Hakim, his memory in the next life, wrote it upon the request of the wise and honorable R. Mordecai Raphael son of the distinguished elder Jacob Rosello, may his Rock protect him God be blessed and grant him to compose other books. Amen).
The colophon states that the manuscript was copied in Rome in 1551 by Joseph ben Elijah Hakim for Mordecai Raphael ben Jacob Rosello (Ruscelli), who was the author of Sha'arei Hayyim. Rosello, a scholar and liturgical poet born in Barcelona, finished working on Sha'arei Hayyim in Rome in 1548 (Zunz 1867:49). In 1551, he hired Joseph Hakim to copy his own work for him, the colophon of which is repeated in this manuscript.
'A' (27 mm; e.g. fols. 352, 376); counter mark: 'B' between the tips of two crossed arrows forming an X at the centre of the folio (66 mm; e.g. fol. 340): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Flèche 35 and 41 (1550, 1547); An anchor within a circle topped by a star at the centre of the folio (65 mm; fols. 446, 449, 452, 453): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Ancre 24-31 (Venice, 1556).
Dark green leather, turned brown, on wooden boards (345 x228 mm); gold-tooled with a central roundel on the front cover. Below are the letters LLLLL and above them in black ink: XI. The roundel on the back cover encloses a shield. Both roundels are within an undulating lozenge inside a large rectangle, decorated with floral motifs at the centre of each side and at the corners. The spine, blind-tooled with hatching, has four cords and head and tail bands. On the edges of the back cover are vestiges of four groups of three plaited leather bands, two groups on the side edge and one each on the upper and lower edges, with corresponding holes for four nails in the front cover (for preserved bands see Cod.hebr. 301). Each group of three bands terminated in a ring which was intended to hook over the nails in the opposite cover.
The leaves are gilt-edged.
This binding was made for Fugger by Anton Ludwig inVenice(Hobson 1999:129). Similar bindings in BSB: e.g. Cod.hebr. 20, 28, 43, 46, 68, 73, Cod.gr. 78.
Watermarks on flyleaves: A star above an anchor within a circle at the centre of the folio (65 mm; front pastedown): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Ancre 24-31 (Venice, 1556).
The decoration is executed by Meir:
Decorated titles (fols. 1 and 339).
Owners' inscriptions: None.
Inscriptions of librarians and researchers:
Fol. 1: saare haijm, No. 1; fol. 43: No. 2; fol. 261b: derech aemuna, No. 3; fol. 339: Abon massoi? medira, No. 4.
Front pastedown: contents in Hebrew ספר שערי חיים in brown ink by Librarian 1, who repeated it on the recto of the front flyleaf.
Exlibris and stamps: Inside the front wooden board: an exlibris of theBavarian Court and State Library (230 x155 mm) with the arms of Elector Maximilian I of 1638 (Dressler 1972:B3ab).
Old signatures:
Front cover, lower part in black ink, upside-down:St.9 n. 14 (second signature of the Fugger's library).
Front cover, lower part in black ink: 2. n0. 22 (Duke's library, Prommer's signature).
Front pastedown, lower part in red ink: 2. 22 (Duke's library, Prommer's revision of 1583).
Front pastedown, upper right corner in black ink: MS. Hebr. 44.
Sticker on the spine in brown ink: 88.
Dressler 1972 F. Dressler, Die Exlibris der Bayerischen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek, 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 1972.
Harlfinger 1974-80 D. Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen aus griechischen Handschriften, Berlin, 1974-1980.
Hobson 1999 A. Hobson, Renaissance Book Collecting: Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their Books and Bindings,Cambridge 1999.
Sarton 1931 G. Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, vol. II, Baltimore 1931.
Scholem 1933/34 ג' שולם, "מפתח לפירושים על עשר ספירות," קרית ספר י' (תרצ"ד):498-515 (G. Scholem, "Index of the Commentaries on the Ten Sefirot," Kiryat Sefer 10 (1933-1934), pp. 498-515).
Sirat and Dukan, unpublished C. Sirat and M. Dukan, Etude des manuscrits hébreux"sehr inkorrekt" conservés dans la Bibliothèque de Munich (Institut des Recherche et d'histoire des Textes, CNRS, Paris), unpublished.
Steinschneider 1893 M. Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden als Dolmetscher, Berlin 1893.
Steinschneider 1895 M. Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in München, Munich 1895.
Zunz 1867 L. Zunz, Nachtrag zur Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie, Berlin 1867.