Obj. ID: 4354
  Sacred and Ritual Hanukkah lamp, Poland, 19th century
The brass free-standing back-walled Hanukah lamp consists of eight oil containers, a parapet, back, and sidewalls.
Eight triangular spouted oil containers are fastened to the back wall and enclosed behind a rectangular parapet, which consists of seven oval openings in diamond-shaped frames. There are circles in between the ovals, surmounted by small palmettos.
The back wall resembles a facade of a building. In the center of the wall, there is an arched doorway flanked by two pilasters (missed) and by two arched windows, which are slightly higher than the door. The back wall bears a brick design. There is an oval window above the door. The missing pilasters “supported” a balcony decorated by dots. The balcony is surmounted by an arcade of eight horseshoe arches (to central are united), which supports a slanted roof. The roof is decorated with vertical lines, a wavy rim and two “chimneys” on top.
The roof is surmounted by two birds facing outwards, connected to two birds facing in and forming a heart shape with their heads. The heart is topped by a palmetto.
The sidewalls of the lamp consist, each, of a rampant lion, climbing on a tree and facing outward, while holding with its tale a vase-shaped candle socket with a saucer.
For similar or identical Hanukkah lamps see CJA objects 27803, 23542, 18830, 18829, 13623, 4354, 2832, 2418, 2245, 2105, 1855, 1854, 1062.
This object may have been used as Shabbat candlesticks as well since there are two candle holders on either side instead of the single shamash usually found on hanukkah lamps.
Old IJA no. Sc_14596
sub-set tree: 
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two birds
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions
L | Lion | Lion rampant
C | Columns