Obj. ID: 40406
  Memorials Plaque dedicated to the Holocaust victims in the prayer hall of the Synagogue in Split, Croatia, before 1964
To the main object: Synagogue in Split - Prayer Hall
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Commemorated?
Jewish Holocaust Victims from Split.
This memorial plaque is made up of three white stone slabs bolted to the wall, which due to the curved upper edge of the uppermost slab, resemble a headstone. This upper slab has dedicatory texts in Hebrew and Croatian, and the lower slabs contain the names of 115 Holocaust victims in three columns, with space on the lowest one for more entries. Just beneath the lowermost slab is a shelf of the same material with a small stone urn on the back-left corner.
Note that Hebrew text uses the term Nazism, while the Croatian text says Fascism, according to the Yugoslavian norm, as it could seen, for example, on all monuments erected in the Tito's era.
זכרון עולמים
לאנשי הקהילה היהודית
בספליט קורבנות הנאציזם
1945 – 1941
Translation: Eternal memory to the people of the Jewish community in Split victims of Nazism, 1941 – 1945.
Posvećeno uspomeni članovima splitske jevrejske općine
koji su kao žrtve fašizma izgubili svoje živote 1941–1945
Jevrejska općina Split
[List of 115 names]
Translation: Dedicated to the memory of the members of the Jewish community of Split who lost their lives as victims of fascism in 1941–1945. Jewish community of Split.
Commissioned by
The Jewish community of Split.
sub-set tree: 
According to the documentation made by Zusia Efron in 1964, this plaque was situated in an auxiliary room in the synagogue. It is not clear when the plaque was moved to the prayer hall and replaced another plaque that was situated there in 1964 (see here).