Obj. ID: 30882
  Memorials Holocaust Memorial at the Synagogue in Subotica, Serbia, 1994
To the main object: Synagogue in Subotica, Serbia
Memorial Name
No official name
Who is Comemmorated?
Victims of the Holocaust from Subotica
The monument is an upright stele with a semi-rounded top, made of brick and white stone, placed on a three-stepped platform. The memorial stands in the center of a hexagonal plateau from which two paths extend, one to the synagogue and the other one to the entrance to the synagogue yard. On both sides of the monument, a Magen David is engraved above identical inscriptions in five languages: Serbo-Croatian (in Cyrillic and Latin script), Hungarian, English, and Hebrew.
Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic script)
‘Успомена на 4000 Јевреја са којима смо живели и градили Суботицу
несталих у фашистичким логорима смрти током Другог светског рата.
Грађани Суботице 10. јула 1994.’
Serbo-Croatian (Latin script)
Uspomena na 4000 Jevreja sa kojima smo živeli i gradili Suboticu
nestalih u fašističkim logorima smrti tokom Drugog svetskog rata.
Građani Subotice 10. jula 1994.
A II. világháború fasiszta haláltáboraiban 4000 zsidó polgártársunk
veszett oda, akikkel együtt éltünk és építettük Szabadkát.
Szabadka polgárai 1994. július 10-én.
In memory of 4000 Jewish citizens with whom we lived and built
Subotica. They perished in the fascist death camps during World War II.
Citizens of Subotica, July 10, 1994.
לזכרם של 4000 יהודים שאיתם חיינו ובנינו
יחדיו את העיר נעלמו ונרצחו במחנת ריכוז
פאשיסטיים מלחה"ע [במלמת העולם] השניה.
תושבי סובוטיצה 10 ביולי 1994
Commissioned by
The Municipality of Subotica
sub-set tree: 
White Stone
Until the Second World War, the Jewish community of Subotica was the fourth largest in Yugoslavia. In the 1930s it numbered about 6,000 members. The number of Holocaust survivors is 1048.
The Jewish Community of Subotica is active today. Commemoration ceremonies have been annually held by this monument, remembering the anniversary of the deportation of the Subotica Jews (June 16).
Duranci, Bela and Vera Gabrić Počuča, Javni spomenici opštine Subotica, (Subotica: Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, 2001)
Klein, Rudolf. “A szabadkai zsidóság felemelkedése és hanyatlása,” Múlt és Jövő, nos. 1-2 (1995), pp. 143-160.
"Memorials in Subotica,” Locations (Vojvodina Holocaust Memorials Project), https://www.vhmproject.org/en-US/Locations/Memorials/22 (accessed June 28, 2023)
"Obeležena 73. godišnjica deportacije subotičkih Jevreja," Subotica.info, https://www.subotica.info/2017/06/16/obelezena-73-godisnjica-deportacije-subotickih-jevreja (accessed June 28, 2023)