Object Alone

Obj. ID: 20910
  Illuminated Manuscripts
  Fugger's Fourth Miscellany on Kabbalah, Venice, c.1549

© BSB, Photographer: Unknown,
Summary and Remarks

Scribe 6 appears in BSB Cod.hebr. 22, 48, 12, 23, 62; Scribe7 inBSB Cod.hebr. 48; Yaakov ben Yosef in

BSB Cod.hebr. 10, 12, 15, 17, 22, 27, 31, 32, 40, 43, 48, 49, 52, 57, 58, 62, 73; Scribe4 inBSB Cod.hebr. 10, 52. 


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Fugger's Fourth Venetian Miscellany on Kabbalah | Unknown
Object Detail
Monument Setting
Active dates
Reconstruction dates
Historical Origin
Community type
Unknown |
Unknown |
Period Detail
Germany | Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB)
| Cod.hebr. 24 (Steinschneider 1895, No. 24)
Documentation / Research project
Iconographical Subject
Unknown |
Textual Content
Unknown |
Languages of inscription
Shape / Form
Material / Technique
Paper, 3 + 288 leaves.
Material Stucture
Material Decoration
Material Bonding
Material Inscription
Material Additions
Material Cloth
Material Lining
Tesserae Arrangement
Construction material
Full page: (353-354) x (241-243) mm.
Text space: Scribe A: (234-237) x (139-143) mm.
Scribe 7: (237-240) x (137-140) mm.
Yaakov ben Yosef: (238-239) x 138 mm.
Panel Measurements
Well preserved. Apparently the manuscript was not used.
Documented by CJA
Surveyed by CJA
Present Usage
Present Usage Details
Condition of Building Fabric
Architectural Significance type
Historical significance: Event/Period
Historical significance: Collective Memory/Folklore
Historical significance: Person
Architectural Significance: Style
Architectural Significance: Artistic Decoration
Urban significance
Significance Rating
1. Sefer ha-Emunot (ספר האמונות; The Book of Beliefs) by Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov (fols. 1-164v): begins אמר אין ספק כי החכמה והמדע הם מלימים. 1st ed. Ferrara 1556. 2. Hakhmei ha-Iyyun Hakhmei ha-Kabbalah (חכמי העיון חכמי הקבלה; Sages of the Iyyun Sages of the Kabbalah) by Moshe (fols. 165-185): begins מה נמלצו לחכי אמרתיך. 3. Anonymous Philosophical Commentary on Ecclesiastes (4:17-5:1) (fols. 185-189v): beginsשמור רגלך כאשר תלך אל בית האלהים. 4. Sha'arei Tefillah (שערי תפילה; The Gate of Prayer) according to Kabbalah (fols. 189v-194v): beginsסוד התפילה הוא כלל גדול ובעזרת האל נבאר לך בענין סוד התפלה. 5. Commentary on Ezekiel's Chariot by Isaac ben Jacob Ha-Kohen (fols. 195-199): beginsסוד ה' ליריאיו ובריתו להודיעם (Scholem 1931:188ff). 6. Shlosha Asar Kohot (שלושה עשר כוחות; lit. Thirteen Strengths) from the literature of the Iyyun circle (fols. 199-200): begins לך ה' הגדולה והגבורה והתפארת והנצח וההוד. 7. Series of short treatises on Kabbalah (fols. 200-203): beginsאדוני הואיל וחפצך לבוא בדרכי החכמה; האבות הן הן המרכבה; ה' בחכמה יסד ארץ; אמר רב חמאי ראש המדברים על פנימיות החכמה. These treatises appear in similar order in other manuscripts, cf. Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 3134, fols. 11-13v. 8. Fragments on Kabbalah (fols. 203-212) (Steinschneider 1895:10). 9. Sodei Razyya (סודי רזייא; Hidden Secrets) by Eleazar ben Jehuda of Worms (fols. 213-283): beginsברוך חכם הרזים שחלק מחכמתו ליריאיו (Dan 1968:62-64).
Scribe 6* (Scribe A**): fols. 1-91v in dark brown ink. Scribe 7 (Scribe B): fols. 92-164v in dark brown ink. Scribe 4 (Interpolator A): fols. 157v (lines 7: טבחא...-30)-158. Yaakov ben Yosef (Scribe C): fols. 165-283 in brownish ink. The text was proofread by the corrector of Fugger's group, e.g. fols. 12, 92. * Running numbers (Scribe 1, 2, etc.) denote anonymous main scribes and interpolators throughout the entire group of Fugger’s Venetian manuscripts. Scribes identified by name are not numbered. ** The letters A, B, etc. denote the order of copying by scribes and interpolators in this manuscript.
The main text is written in semi-cursive Ashkenazi script.
Number of Lines
The text is written in 30 lines per page.The text is written mainly in one column.
Ruling by stylus: 30 horizontal and 1+1 vertical lines (e.g. fol. 1). On fol. 160 the scribe emphasized some lines in plummet in order to write the title.
25 quires of 12 leaves each, except for XIV8, XXI10, XXV6. Quire composition: I12 (1-12); II12 (13-24); III12 (25-36); IV12 (37-48); V12 (49-60); VI12 (61-72); VII12 (73-84); VIII12 (85-96); IX12 (97-108); X12 (109-120); XI12 (121-132); XII12 (133-144); XIII12 (145-156); XIV8 (157-164); XV12 (165-176); XVI12 (177-188); XVII12 (189-200); XVIII12 (201-212); XIX12 (213-224); XX12 (225-236); XXI10 (237-246); XXII12 (247-258); XXIII12 (259-270); XXIV12 (271-282); XXV6 (283, 283a, 283b, 283c, 283d, 283e).
Catchwords for leaves are written horizontally at the left below the text in semi-cursive script by the text scribes.
Hebrew Numeration
Blank Leaves
Fols. 1v, 165v, 212v, 213v.
Façade (main)
Location of Torah Ark
Location of Apse
Location of Niche
Location of Reader's Desk
Location of Platform
Temp: Architecture Axis
Arrangement of Seats
Location of Women's Section
Direction Prayer
Direction Toward Jerusalem
Coin Series
Coin Ruler
Coin Year
Scribal Notes
Fol. 194v: Inscription by Yaakov ben Yosef: לא מצאתי יותר כתו'(ב) בזה הספר סליק פי'(רוש) של תפילה I did not find more written in this book, the commentary on the prayer is completed.
Watermarks: A trefoil flower between 'P' and '3' in the outer corner of the folio (32 mm; e.g. front cover third flyleaf and fols. 7, 24, 36, 67, 168, 240, 283): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Lettres 75 (Venice, 1548, 1550).
Trade Mark

Green leather turned brown on wooden boards (355 x 242 mm); gold-tooled similarly on front and back with a central roundel within an undulating lozenge in a large rectangle, decorated with floral motifs at the centre of each side and at the corners. The front roundel is inscribed קבלה; below is the letter ו? (erased). The back roundel is inscribed CABALA and below is the letter F. The spine, blind-tooled with hatching, has four hidden cords and head and tail bands. On the edges of the front cover are vestiges of four groups of three plaited leather bands, two groups on the side edge and one each on the upper and lower edges, with corresponding holes for four nails on the edges of the back cover (for preserved bands see Cod.hebr. 301). Each group of three bands terminated in a ring intended to hook over the nails on the opposite cover. The leaves are gilt-edged.


This binding was made for Fugger by Andrea di Lorenzo inVenice(Hobson 1999:111-112). Similar bindings in BSB: Cod.hebr. 40, 11, 17, 22, 52, 54 and e.g. BSB Cod.gr. 21, 39.


Watermarks on flyleaves: A trefoil flower between 'P' and '3' in the outer corner of the folio (32 mm; front cover former pastedown and back cover third and fourth flyleaves): similar to Harlfinger 1974-80, Lettres 75 (Venice, 1548, 1550).

Decoration Program

The decoration is executed by Yaakov ben Yosef:

  1. Depiction of a gate illustrating the text (fol. 260).
  2. Decorative titles accompanied by a dog, a hybrid and human faces (fols. 165 and 213).

For similar titles, captions and initial words see: BSB Cod.hebr. 10, fol. 1; Cod.hebr. 15, fol. 245;

Cod.hebr. 17, fol. 169; Cod.hebr. 22, fols. 1, 70, 181; Cod.hebr. 32, fol. 1; Cod.hebr. 40, fols. 160,

161, 219, 219v; Cod.hebr. 48, fol. 1; Cod.hebr. 52, fol. 1; Cod.hebr. 62, fols. 1, 183.


Suggested Reconsdivuction
Owners' inscriptions: None. Inscriptions of librarians and researchers: The numbering of texts by Fugger’s librarians does not orrespond to their actual number in the manuscript: N0 1: fols. 1-164v; N0 2: fols. 165-212; N0 3: fols. 213-283. Former front pastedown: Contents in Hebrew in brown ink by Librarian 1a: ספר אמונת/ חכמי העיון/ חכמי הקבלה/ ספר רזי אל/ ספר רזי בחשבון/ אל עזר. Contents in Hebrew in Latin characters in brown ink by Librarian 2: Sephaer eminas.\ Hachme haion.\ Hachme hakabala\ Sephaer Rase el.\ Sephaer Rase kehaeschbon\ Eli Aesaer.\ 1. Sephaer Emunas, liber fidei.\ 2. Hachme haion et hachma cabala\ liber Cabalisticus.\ 3. Sephaer Raziel idem quod\ Eleazer. Liber Cabalisticus.\ Raziel angelus Adami fuit, quieum\ do(minus) fuit omnia secreta. Below, by a later librarian in pencil: Meier Rothemburgensis ... Exlibris and stamps: Inside front cover: an exlibris of the Bavarian Court and State Library (230 x 155 mm) with the arms of Elector Maximilian I of 1638 (Dressler 1972:B3ab). On fols. 1, 2, 283v there is a modern oval stamp of the BSB: BIBLIOTHECA\ REGIA\ MONACENSIS. Old signatures: Back cover in black ink: …8(?).25 (second signature of Fugger's library is erased). Front cover in black ink: 2. n. 1 (Duke's library, Prommer's signature). Former front pastedown in red ink: 2.1 (Duke's library, Prommer's revision of 1583). Former front pastedown in black ink: MS. Hebr. 35. Spine, on the sticker in black ink: Cod.hebr. 24 (current signature). Inside front cover, on exlibris in plummet: Cod.hebr. 24 (current signature).
Main Surveys & Excavations
Dan 1968 י’ דן, תורת הסוד של חסידי אשכנז, ירושלים תשכ"ח (Y. Dan, Torat ha-Sod of Hassidut Ashkenaz, Jerusalem 1968). Dressler 1972 F. Dressler, Die Exlibris der Bayerischen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek, 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 1972. Harlfinger 1974-80 D. Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen aus griechischen Handschriften, Berlin 1974-1980. Hobson 1999 A. Hobson, Renaissance Book Collecting: Jean Grolier and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, their Books and Bindings, Cambridge 1999. Scholem 1931 ג' שולם, "לחקר קבלת ר' יצחק בן יעקב הכהן", תרביץ ב (תרצ"א):188-217 (G. Scholem, “An Inquiry into the Kabbala of R. Isaac ben Jacob Hacohen”, Tarbiz 2 (1931):188-217). Sirat and Dukan, unpublished C. Sirat and M. Dukan, Etude des manuscrits hébreux"sehr inkorrekt" conservés dans la Bibliothèque de Munich (Institut des Recherche et d'histoire des Textes, CNRS, Paris), unpublished. Steinschneider 1895 M. Steinschneider, Die Hebräischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in München, Munich 1895.
Author of description
Architectural Drawings
Computer Reconstruction
Section Head
Language Editor
Negative/Photo. No.
The following information on this monument will be completed:
Unknown |