Obj. ID: 1213
  Illuminated Manuscripts Girona Mishneh Torah,Girona, 1305/6
sub-set tree:
Vellum, 2 II 558 1 leaves, 270 - 200mm, text spac 176x 115-112)mm, Written in square Spanish script, in brown ink. 31 lines per page, in ? column. Ruling by stylus, on hair side (hair always faces hair and flesh faces flesh), 31 horizontal and 1 1 vertical lines per page. Pricking is noticeable in all margins. 72 quires of 8 leaves, except XIII&&5&&, XIX&&6&&, XX&&7&&, XXXVII&&4&&, XLIV&&7&&, LIV&&6&&, LXIII&&5&&, LXXII&&6&&. Hebrew alphabetical numeration for the quires in lower left hand corner of the last verso of a quire and in the upper right hand corner in the first recto of a quire. The numeration renewed (starts from ? again) in quires XIV, XX, XXXVIII, XLV, LV, LXIV. From fol. 295 an added Hebrew alphabetical numeration, starting from כ' up to ,נ"ב by a later hand, written in the lower right hand corner at the first recto of each quire (fols. 100v-102v, 146v-147v, 285-287v, 341v-342v, 487-489v are blank. (always at the end of a quires set, followed by new numeration). The folios are numerated by Hebrew alpha numeration in the upper left hand corner of each recto, from א to ,ל"א נא to נה by the scribe and by a later hand.
A. Book titles secondary titles and chapters numbers are decorated by the scribe by ink somtimes in spare ground too with floral motifs, dragons' and birds' head and full birds. B. The numbers of quires in the last verso are sometimes written within a stylized leaf, ocassionally filled with tiny scrolls in s.g.t. (i.e. fols. 8v, 16v, 32v, 40v, 48v, 56v, 64v, 88v, 96v, 109v, 154n, 186v. C. The numbers of quires in the last verso and the first recto are decorated with a small leaf ??? above the letter (i.e. fols. 294v-295, 302v- 303, 310v-311m 318v-319, 326v-327, 334v-335).