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[ J / Jerusalem (See also: [Temple of Jerusalem], [`And a drawn sword in his hands outstretched over Jerusalem], [Next Year in Jerusalem], [Jeremiah lamenting Jerusalem]) / Sites in Jerusalem: ]

School for girls Bnot Yerushalayim

(of subject) 0 of 0 artpiece(s) in subject set as School for girls Bnot Yerushalayim:
Succah Ushpezin Plaque
*Year cycle | *Sukkot | Ushpizin plaque

O | Ornamentation: | Full page framed
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
S | Species, the Seven (Listed according to Deut. 8:8) | Wheat (Species, the Seven)
S | Species, the Seven (Listed according to Deut. 8:8) | Pomegranate (Species, the Seven)
S | Species, the Seven (Listed according to Deut. 8:8) | Vine (Species, the Seven)
S | Species, the Seven (Listed according to Deut. 8:8)
S | Species, the Seven (Listed according to Deut. 8:8) | Fig (Species, the Seven)
F | Fig leaf (See also Species, the Seven, Eden, Garden of)
D | David | David as musician
D | David | David as musician | David playing harp
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | David, as one of the Ushpizin
S | Sanctuary | Sanctuary Implements | Ark of the Covenant
D | David | David brings the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, dancing before the ark, while the people rejoice (II Sam. 6:12-17)
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Joseph, as one of the Ushpizin
J | Joseph
A | Aaron
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Aaron, as one of the Ushpizin
A | Aaron | Aaron dressed in his holy garments (Ex. 28:1-4)
M | Moses | Moses, Rod of | Moses as shepherd
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Moses, as one of the Ushpizin
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Abraham, as one of the Ushpizin
A | Abraham | Abraham, Hospitality of
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Isaac, as one of the Ushpizin
I | Isaac | Isaac blessing Jacob
U | Ushpizin (Guests) | Jacob, as one of the Ushpizin
I | Israel | Israel, Landscape of
T | Temple of Jerusalem | Temple of Herod
J | Jerusalem | Sites in Jerusalem: | School for girls Bnot Yerushalayim

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