Battle of Amalek
(of subject)
18 of 18 artpiece(s) in subject set as Battle of Amalek:
Netivot ha-Shalom
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Bible | Pentateuch
T | Title-page T | Tablets of the Law I | Israelites | Israelites crossing the Red Sea E | Egyptians | Egyptians, Drowning M | Moses | Moses cleaving the Red Sea M | Moses | Moses at the burning bush M | Musā-Nāmeh, Book of | Moses receiving the Torah (See under: Torah) O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif G | Garland A | Aaron | Aaron, Rod of | Aaron's rod changing into a serpent (Ex. 7:10–12) P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Blood, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Frogs, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Lice, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Flies (Beast), Plague of (Arov) P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Murrain, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Boils, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Hail, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Locusts, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Darkness, Plague of P | Plagues, the Ten (Listed according to Ex. 7:15-12:30) | Firstborn, Plague of G | Golden Calf M | Moses | Moses, Golden Calf | Moses breaking Tablets of Law B | Battle of Amalek | Moses, Hands upheld by Aaron and Hur (battle of Amalek ) I | Israelites | Israelite, Bringing Offerings | 'And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair' (Ex. 35:26) W | Weapons | Sword S | Scales See item's full info