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[ T / ~Tohorot~, the sixth ~Seder~ of the Mishnah ]

Tohorot (on conditions rendering foods unclean)

(of subject) 1 of 1 artpiece(s) in subject set as Tohorot (on conditions rendering foods unclean):
Mishnayot by Willem Surenhuis
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Halakhic literature | Mishnah

T | Title-page
I | Illustrative medallion
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Kelim (vessels susceptible to impurity)
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Oholot (impurity arising from the overshadowing of a dead person)
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Nega’im (uncleanness relating to leprosies)
R | Red Heifer
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Tohorot (on conditions rendering foods unclean)
M | Mikveh (Heb. מִקְוֶה; gathering of clear water)
W | Women's Three Special Commandments: Sabbath candles, Hallah and Niddah | Niddah: Bathing in the Mikveh | Niddah: Woman lying in bed
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Makhshirim (on the fluids rendering food susceptible to becoming ritually impure)
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Zavim (uncleanness from gonorrhea)
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Tevul Yom (uncleanness lasting until the sunset): Bathing in the waters
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | Yadayim (uncleanness of unwashed hands and their purification)
T | Tohorot, the sixth Seder of the Mishnah | kẓin (uncleanness transferred by the stalks or husks of fruits or plants

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