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[ T / Torah scroll (See also: [Oral Law, Moses and Aaron teaching]) ]

Torah scroll, reading from

(of subject) 18 of 18 artpiece(s) in subject set as Torah scroll, reading from:
Mishnayot by Willem Surenhuis
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Halakhic literature | Mishnah

T | Temple of Jerusalem
L | Lamb of Passover | Paschal sacrifice in the time of the Temple
S | Shekel, half-shekel tax in the Temple
A | Atonement, Day of (Yom Kippur) | High priest service on the Day of Atonement in the Temple
S | Sukkot | Sukkah | Building of the Sukkah
M | Mo'ed, the second Seder of the Mishnah | Bezah (Yom Tov) | people holding tray with eggs
N | New Year (Rosh Hashanah; See also: Isaac, Sacrifice of) | New Moon of the month of Tishrei
J | Jews | lamenting
T | Torah scroll | Torah scroll, reading from
M | Mo'ed, the second Seder of the Mishnah | Mo'ed Katan | Haircut and shaving during the Intermediate days
M | Mo'ed, the second Seder of the Mishnah | Mo'ed Katan | Writing during Intermediate days
P | Pilgrimage

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Navtlugi (Ashkenazi) Jewish cemetery in Tbilisi - photos of 2023
*Funeral art | Jewish Cemetery
*Funeral art | Jewish Cemetery | Tombstone | Tombstone of a man

T | Torah scroll | Torah scroll, reading from

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