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[ H / Heraldic composition (See also: [Coat of arms]) ]


(of subject) 20 of 23 artpiece(s) in subject set as Supporters:
JMP Printed Copy of Esther Scroll with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
C | Columns
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
G | Garland
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
F | Flower
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman entreats Ahasuerus to issue a decree destroying the Jews (Es. 3:9)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman paying money to the king (Es. 3:9)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's first banquet (Es. 5:5-8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus listening to the Book of Records (Es. 6:1-3)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai's triumph (Es. 6:11)

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JMP Printed Copy of Esther Scroll with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
C | Columns
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
G | Garland
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's second banquet (Es. 7:1)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus returns from the palace garden (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman falling on Esther's bed (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Gallows built for Mordecai (Es. 5:14)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus listening to the Book of Records (Es. 6:1-3)

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JMP Printed Copy of Esther Scroll with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
C | Columns
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
G | Garland
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai's triumph (Es. 6:11)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's second banquet (Es. 7:1)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus returns from the palace garden (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman falling on Esther's bed (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Gallows built for Mordecai (Es. 5:14)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | New decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves (Es. 8:8-10)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus' messenger(s) (Es. 8:14)

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JMP A Fragment of a Printed Copy of Esther Scrolls with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with printed border
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman paying money to the king (Es. 3:9)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman entreats Ahasuerus to issue a decree destroying the Jews (Es. 3:9)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's first banquet (Es. 5:5-8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus listening to the Book of Records (Es. 6:1-3)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai's triumph (Es. 6:11)
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters

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JMP A Fragment of a Printed Copy of Esther Scrolls with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with printed border
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's second banquet (Es. 7:1)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus returns from the palace garden (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman falling on Esther's bed (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Gallows built for Mordecai (Es. 5:14)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus listening to the Book of Records (Es. 6:1-3)

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JMP A Fragment of a Printed Copy of Esther Scrolls with Portrait Medallions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with printed border
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with benedictions
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | with piyutim

P | Portrait | Portrait medallion
A | Acanthus Leaf
C | Columns
V | Vase
L | Landscape
O | Ornamentation: | Architectonic motif
G | Garland
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments | Floral motif
H | Human Figure | Bust (Human figure)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai's triumph (Es. 6:11)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther's second banquet (Es. 7:1)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus returns from the palace garden (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Haman falling on Esther's bed (Es. 7:8)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Gallows built for Mordecai (Es. 5:14)

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JHM Aryeh Leib ben Daniel of Goray Early Esther Scroll
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | in ha-melekh layout

A | Angel | Angel's head
B | Bird
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
B | Basket | Basket with flowers
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Mordecai refusing to bow down before Haman (Es. 3:2)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Servants bowing down before Haman (Es. 3:2)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther touching the scepter (Es. 5:2)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus extending his scepter to Esther (Es. 5:2)
W | Word, framed
O | Ornamentation: | Main text framed

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JHM Aryeh Leib ben Daniel of Goray Early Esther Scroll
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther)
*Manuscripts and Printed Books | Esther scroll (megillat Esther) | in ha-melekh layout

A | Angel | Angel's head
B | Bird
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters
B | Basket | Basket with flowers
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Esther touching the scepter (Es. 5:2)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus extending his scepter to Esther (Es. 5:2)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Sleepless night of the king (Es. 6:1)
E | Esther, Book of (following the order of the story) | Ahasuerus listening to the Book of Records (Es. 6:1-3)
W | Word, framed
O | Ornamentation: | Main text framed

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[1] [2]

Gran Templo Paso Synagogue in Buenos Aires, Argentina
*Architecture | Synagogue
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark

H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

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Beit Tfila Benyamin in Chernivtsi (Czernowitz) - Small prayer hall
*Architecture | Synagogue
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark

T | Tablets of the Law
C | Crown
M | Magen David
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two griffins

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Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

C | Crown
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two deer

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Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two deer

See item's full info

Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

C | Crown
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two deer

See item's full info

Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

C | Crown
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

See item's full info

Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

See item's full info

Synagogue in Humpolec - Prayer Hall
*Architecture | Synagogue

C | Crown
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

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Great Synagogue in Plzeň - Exibits
*Synagogue Objects | Torah mantle

C | Crown
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

See item's full info

Spanish Synagogue in Prague - Winter prayer hall and communal building
*Architecture | Synagogue
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark

T | Tablets of the Law
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

See item's full info

Spanish Synagogue in Prague - Winter prayer hall and communal building
*Architecture | Synagogue
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark

T | Tablets of the Law
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

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Narrower Term