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Burning bush (See also Moses at the burning bush)

(of subject) 19 of 19 artpiece(s) in subject set as Burning bush (See also Moses at the burning bush):
Synagogue Centro Israelita do Cambuci in San Paulo
*Architecture | Synagogue
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark
*Synagogue Objects | Bimah/Tevah (Reader's desk) | Bimah (בימה, in Ashkenazi communities)
*Architecture | Decoration | Wall painting (Decoration)
*Synagogue Objects | Torah ark | Torah ark curtain (Parokhet, פרוכת)

B | Burning bush (See also Moses at the burning bush)
J | Jerusalem | Sites in Jerusalem: | Western Wall (Kotel) הכותל המערבי
M | Magen David
M | Menorah
N | New Year (Rosh Hashanah; See also: Isaac, Sacrifice of) | Shofar (New Year); see also Shofar (in the Temple)
H | Heraldic composition | Central element | Tablets of the Law (central element of heraldic composition)
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions

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