(of subject)
13 of 13 artpiece(s) in subject set as Mount (See also: Temple mount):
Shavuot ketubbah
*Year cycle | *Shavuot | Shavuot ketubbah
C | Crowns, the Four (listed according to Misnah, Avot, 4:13) | Crown of Law (Crown of Torah) E | Eagle | Eagle, double-headed displayed M | Mount | Mount Sinai T | Tablets of the Law | Broken Tablets of the Law H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions H | Heraldic composition O | Ornamentation: | Circle of text as a frame O | Ornamentation: | Inhabited medallion A | Animals, the Four (Mishnah, Avot, 5:20) | Deer (of the Four Animals) A | Animals, the Four (Mishnah, Avot, 5:20) | Tiger (of the Four Animals) A | Animals, the Four (Mishnah, Avot, 5:20) | Eagle (of the Four Animals) A | Animals, the Four (Mishnah, Avot, 5:20) | Lion (of the Four Animals) V | Vase | Vase with flowers F | Fire M | Magen David See item's full info