The Bezalel Narkiss
Index of Jewish Art
The Center for Jewish Art
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Index of Jewish Art
The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art
Historic Synagogues of Europe
Wall Paintings in Central and East European Synagogues
Illuminated Esther Scrolls
Slovenian Jewish Heritage
Holocaust Memorial Monuments
Gross Family Collection
Ursula and Kurt Schubert Archives
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Russian Avant-Garde
Found: 20+0
Semi-abstract still life
Israel | Bat Yam | Ryback Museum no. 29a.
Ryback, Jewish Shtetl (Dubrovno)
Israel | Bat Yam | Ryback Museum no. 47
Resting Deer
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Self-portrait
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Sonya
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Drunkennes of Noah
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Self-portrait (with two additional figures)
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Portrait of the artist Isaac Rabinovich playing billiards
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Tower of Babel
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Temptation of Eve
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Deluge
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Cain and Abel
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Altman, Drawing for a concert program
Russia | St Petersburg | Altman-Shiogoleva, I.V.
Aizenberg, Utruska
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, Ugar
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, Costume design "Transformation - How the application KIM changes itself"
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, Costume design: GUM. Fiddler (Clown)
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, MUM (Clown)
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, Backdrop with sunflowers
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
Aizenberg, Costume design: Young man
Israel | Jerusalem | Sc_560
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