The Bezalel Narkiss
Index of Jewish Art
The Center for Jewish Art
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Index of Jewish Art
The Bezalel Narkiss Index of Jewish Art
Historic Synagogues of Europe
Wall Paintings in Central and East European Synagogues
Illuminated Esther Scrolls
Slovenian Jewish Heritage
Holocaust Memorial Monuments
Gross Family Collection
Ursula and Kurt Schubert Archives
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*Life cycle
Elijah\'s rod
Found: 12+
Elijah's chair and rod
Israel | Hulon | Sc_008
Elijah's rod
Uzbekistan | Sc_239 12
Elijah's rod, Uzbekistan, ca. 1900
Uzbekistan | Buchara | Sc_230 12
Elijah's rod, Afghanistan, 1949
Israel | Hulon | Sc_008 24
Elijah's rod, Afghanistan, 1884
Israel | Private Collection | Sc_175 19
Elijah's rod , Uzbekistan, ca. 1900
Uzbekistan | Buchara | Sc_230 13
Elijah's rod , Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan | Sc_229 12
Elijah's rod, Late 19th century
Greece | Sc_525 Sc.525-87
Elijah's rod, Bukhara
Uzbekistan | Buchara | Ohel Itzhak Synagogue in Bukhara
Elijah's rod, 1939
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 21
Elijah's rod, Afghanistan, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 22
Elijah's rod, Kabul, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 23
Elijah's rod, 1939
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 21
Elijah's rod, Kabul, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 23
Elijah's rod, 1939
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 21
Elijah's chair and rod
Israel | Hulon | Sc_008
Elijah's rod, Kabul, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 23
Elijah's chair and rod
Israel | Hulon | Sc_008 25
Elijah's rod, Afghanistan, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 22
Elijah's rod, Afghanistan, 20th century
Israel | Tel Aviv | Sc_128 22
Found: nothing found