Obj. ID: 99
  Architecture Synagogue in Łańcut, Bimah
To the main object: Synagogue in Łańcut - Bimah
Decoration program of bimah.
The four-pillar central bimah is not only the central architectural element of the design of the synagogue, but also the center of the decoration of the interior. There are possible to viewed several periods in decorating of the bima. The first period dates back to the construction of the synagogue - 1761. This decoration were made of painted knock in baroque style: capitals of the columns, cornices, decorative cartouches, elements of Jewish symbols, symbolic animals. The second period, mural, made much later, in 1935, as evidenced the inscription on one of the arches of bima. During this period were made illustrative and symbolic images on the western, southern and northern fasade of the bima, as well as inside the dome over the bima.
On the facades there are many inscriptions. Inscriptions can be divided into four groups: the inscription at the top of each facade, inscriptions in the arches on each facade, an inscription in the center of the decorative cartouches and captions to the illustrative images.