Obj. ID: 94
  Sacred and Ritual Torah shield, Ukraine (?), 19th century
The Torah shield is rectangular and terminates in an arch. A plaque with the Tables of the Covenant is in the center of the shield. The Tables are inscribed with the first words of the Ten Commandments in square outlined letters. Two rampant lions holding the Tables of the Covenant flank the plaque. They turn backward and extend their tongues. A crowned, spread-winged, double-headed eagle is situated below the plaque. The eagle's body consists of a shield inscribed with square outlined letters which read:
כתר / מלכות
Translation: Crown of kingship
A symmetrical pillar with twisted lines, an ornamental base, and a capital is on each side of the shield. Below the pillars, on each side of the eagle, is a pattern of foliate scrolls. The Torah shield is surrounded by a raised line and serrated edges made of trefoil. There are two bird-shaped loops on the shield to which attached a chain to hang it on the Torah mantle.
sub-set tree: 
E | Eagle | Eagle, double-headed displayed
C | Crowns, the Four (listed according to Misnah, Avot, 4:13) | Crown of Kingship
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two lions
H | Heraldic composition | Central element | Tablets of the Law (central element of heraldic composition)
C | Columns | Twisted columns