Obj. ID: 9363
Memorials Holocaust Monument at Gayna Road Killing Site in Lahoysk (Logoisk), Belarus, Late 1950s
Who is Commemorated?
Jews of Logoisk, killed in the Holocaust.
The monument at the murder place in Logoisk is situated at a hill in a small forest, at the intersection of the road from Logoisk to Gayna village and the highway Minsk - Vitebsk.
The monument is a conical granite column standing on a cubic base which stands on a high pedestal. The column is crowned with a five-pointed star. Another five-pointed star and a small wreath are carved on its shaft.
A "standard" Soviet-time inscription which does not mention Jews is carved on the base.
The monument is surrounded by a metal fence.
The inscription in Russian reads:
Здесь похоронены
советские граждане
зверски расстрелянные
захватчиками в годы
Великой Отечественной
войны 1941 – 1945 гг.
Translation: Here are buried Soviet citizens brutally shot by the German Fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Commissioned by
Former Logoisk Jews living in Minsk
sub-set tree:
The Jews of Logoisk were shot near the sand pit, one kilometer from Logoisk, near the road to Gayna village, on August 30, 1941.
At the end of the 1950s, at the initiative of former Logoisk Jews living in Minsk, a monument was erected at the murder site. Jews from Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk, Logoisk and other places, including some survivors, gathered at the murder site for the annual yahrzeit, especially on the anniversaries of 1961, 1971 and 1981. Later, an additional plaque was erected at the murder site.
Untold Stories - Murder Sites of Jews in Occupied Territories of the USSR (Yad Vashem project), https://www.yadvashem.org/untoldstories/database/index.asp?cid=487.
Zeltser, Arkadi, Unwelcome Memory: Holocaust Monuments in the Soviet Union, trans. A.S. Brown (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2018), 21-23.