Obj. ID: 912
  Sacred and Ritual Esther scroll case
The silver Esther scroll case consists of two identical handles and a bar.
The handle is a compressed globular section encircled by openworked radiating leaves decorated with elliptical patterns and zigzag lines. It is topped by a hemispherical lid and a bud.The handle is attached to the case by a concave plain section.The cylindrical bar bears on its edges a crown-like encircling band of openworked leaves decorated with vertical and zigzag lines and a horizontal row of holes.
The bar is decorated with a central vase motif covered with geometrical and foliate patterns, from which stem intertwined tree branches, leaves and foliate scrolls. Two pecking birds looking inwards stand on the side handles of the vase. The vertical handle for the scroll bears a dedicatory inscription in square filled letters which reads from bottom towards the top: "זה המגלה שייך להחתין אברהם ש" מן" "This scroll belongs to Abraham Sh'man?".
sub-set tree: 
A | Abstract | Abstract geometric
O | Ornamentation: | Foliate and floral ornaments
V | Vase
H | Heraldic composition | Supporters | Two birds